Pokemon: Jade

Murkrow Sings

The sun is now gone as I sat on the edge of my window. Nathan has visited, not that I mind though. Usually he comes over for Jared but... seeing Jared hasn't come home yet, I wonder what made Jared so uptight of all this nonsense? Should I even bother asking? What if Nathan knows about this whole thing? Then again, what if Nathan doesn't know what happened at the Elite Four? He did come home first and left Jared over at Kanto. I stared up at the starry sky, my mind soaring through countless of thoughts. Where is Jared anyways?

A knock was heard at my bedroom door as I let out a soft sigh, "It's open."

Nathan, as I figured, entered with the look of permission, "I need to ask you something..."

Haru poked on one of Nathan's pokeball, which held in a Blastoise, and sniffed it. Nathan took it back and smiled, "Sorry, Haru, but I don't think Blastoise can fit in this room."


"Aw...Haru just wants a friend." I chuckled as Haru tries going for Nathan's Sandslash. His face gave off a weird look, "Why don't you go capture a pokemon for Haru?"

"Nathan, I just barely got my license." I smiled, "I don't think Professor Elm is gonna be up waiting for me so he can give me free pokeballs...which I want cause I don't want to spend money on the first day."

"That is true," he nodded with a grin, "Is there a particular pokemon you want to have in your team?"

I shrugged, "Whatever feels right." I quoted, "Is what Jared always says." I, then, explained, "Basically, I would catch any pokemon..." my mind settled on something else when I looked at my little fire rodent, who went on rolling around my bed, "I am looking for something that is water-resistant." I looked back up at Nathan who seems to be in deep thought about something.

"Speaking of Jared..." Nathan started off, "This may sound crazy but does he possess a power to- uh..."

I grinned knowing what he's talking about, "It's not crazy and I don't see it as a power." I laughed a bit, "It makes us sound like freaks. Anywho, I see it more like a gift."

Yes. Jared and I have this special ability of sensing, feeling, or maybe reading our pokemon's thoughts. I have yet to figure out why. Though, it's always stronger to the first pokemon we received. Of course, since we've been together since birth. I don't know if Jared and I have it similarly. Also is it just the first pokemon we receive...Ugh! Stupid Jared! He probably has it all figured out!

Nathan's eyes widen, "Are you saying you have it too?"

I nodded, "Yes, I can feel what Haru feels." I picked my cyndaquil up, "I know whenever he's happy, or feels troubled, I sense what he senses, and through battling I can somehow communicate with him in order to win." I explained as I tickled Haru and laughed along with him, "Doesn't it make this whole pokemon trainer thing easier?!"

"Yeah...sure..." Nathan said as he looked at us and then at his pokemon, "But y'know, I think Jared and I aren't the only ones with this gift." I wondered, "My mother told me that my dad had some sort of thing as well and I overheard Jared one time that my dad could sort of control any pokemon he befriends." I whispered at the last part.

Nathan's eyes widen as I shrugged, "I also believe there's more of these 'gifts'." my deepest memory traveled back, "I saw someone with the power to heal." I whispered.

"The power to heal?" Nathan confirmed.

I nodded, "One time I felt rebellious and went off behind my brother's sights and wondered off in between routes thinking Haru can protect me if I ran into trouble but...I got scared which caused Haru to shake up a bit." I remembered how it was getting late and Haru was pacing right next to me, the sound of spearows squaking, and another frightening sound...I shivered, "I got lost in a route...I think it was from here to Blackthorn city?"

Nathan arched a brow, "What in the world were you doing all the way over there?"

"I got lost okay! Sheesh I was young and stupid!" I cleared my throat, "Anyways, I ran into the biggest golem I've ever seen!" I gasped, "I thought we were goners!" the events played back when Haru tried to burn the round, rocky, turtle as it used 'rollout' on us.

"Golem did a critical hit on Haru and it was coming for me until..." I remembered a bright light and the golem disappearing, "I saw this flying thing out of nowhere and a little boy with a red jacket thing going on that matched his hair, I think, probably around my age at the time...I think he was a trainer. Anyways, I couldn't find Haru so I panicked cause I was in pain as if I got hit by a bulldozer until I saw the boy kneeling down in front of Haru and..."I trailed off as I remembered what he did. It was like a miracle in front of my eyes, "He placed his hand on Haru and it glowed! The pain was disappearing and Haru was okay!"

Nathan kept nodding taking this all in his head, "And...what happened after? Who was this boy?"

I shrugged, "If I knew that, Nathan, I wouldn't just call him...the boy!" I laughed, "No but seriously that was some crazy stuff and like some magician he disappeared with that big flying blue snake."

"Quil! Cyndaquil!"

"Haru says it was a dragon but I doubt dragons are like snakes!" I scoffed, "Aren't they supposed to have wings to fly?"

Nathan rolled his eyes, "God, Jade, you have to get out of this house."

"I know! That's what I always keep telling myself!"



{3rd Person}

Jared entered the house to see his mom watching the news, "Oh, Jared!" his mom perked up, "Nathan is just upstairs with your sister." she informed him.

Jared froze and looked at his mother, "Why?"

"You know Jared, you've been disappearing and a bit quiet lately..." his mom wondered, "Are you seeing a girl?" she narrowed her eyes.

He chuckled and rolled his, "No, I am not." he then sighed, "I just don't feel like talking to Nathan." he shifted awkwardly, "Do you mind if you don't mention I'm here?" he whispered as his eyes darted to the back, "I'll be out in the backyard."

His mother smiled and understood, "Okay dear, just resolve any problems you have between you two." she said sternly, "You two were such best friends."

Jared began to walk and stared at the stairs while processing his mother's last statement. He sighed to himself, "If you only knew..." he twirled a pokeball in his hand as he quietly stepped out into the backyard.

Over upstairs, Nathan has exited Jade's room, "Well, it's getting late and I don't think Jared is coming home soon."

Jade nodded, "Yeah...I have no clue where he could have gone." she then stretched, "Well I'm off to get ready for bed, then."

Nathan smiled and waved a goodbye before heading the stairs. From a distance, he heard the sound of a releasing pokeball. He stared off to the back for a while. There was nothing in sight. Just the rustling tree in the backyard and the small water fountain that is visible in the glass door. Nathan shrugged and left before bidding the two sibling's mother goodbye.

Meanwhile, Jade was looking all over her pajamas causing her room to look more messier, "Haru, quit making fun of me." she blushed, "I bet if you were human, you'd have a bigger problem."

The little fire-type continue to snicker as Jade narrowed her eyes, "Don't get smart with me or I'll give you a noogie!" she made a fist with an evil grin.

Haru scampered away laughing. She shook her head as she got up, "Well then off to take a quick shower." she looked around for her pokemon, who decided the best hiding spot was under the bed.

"Okay, Haru, while your under there...look for your high maintenance brush." she teased.

"Quil!" he shouted back.

"Yeah, yeah! I know you like to keep your fur clean."

Haru peeked from under the bed to see his best friend heading to the restroom. He then sniffed for a particular brush. He shivered as he heard the water running down from the other room. Mind you, as a fire-type pokemon, the fear of water is always present. Though, Haru could probably stand a splash of water. Only thing is, it is a very discomforting feeling to have wet fire-resistant fur. Maybe you could see it as dropping a meowth or a persian to a pool of water. They wouldn't like it, even though they are not fire-types.

Haru then found the brush in a drawer where most of the things of his were kept, such as his favorite snack....

"Cyndaquil!!!" he shouted in delight finding it's treat's hiding place. As soon as his teeth were to bit down on one of them, he heard a distinctive sound, "Cynda?" it was coming from the backyard.

Haru jumped off from the dresser and scurried off to the other room...which was Jared's. He sniffed the air and the room's surroundings.

"Quil...Cyndaquil." (I smell Jared, but I don't see Jared)

He continued to follow his nose as Haru's eyes couldn't adjust where he was at, especially at night. Judging from his ear, the noise was coming from outside...

He hopped up to the window sill, which appeared to be open, and he peeked out from above. There was Jared! Haru decided to keep it low and observed what his older brother was up to.

Jared had his hands outward while Electabuzz was producing a series of electricity. It looked like a signal. Haru looked up to see wings flapping. An unfamiliar pokemon was entering his home's territory. Haru's back was heating up as a defense mechanism but the pokemon was flying towards Jared.

The mysterious pokemon clutched onto Jared's arm as it settled his wings to a stop. Haru identified this pokemon as a Murkrow judging by it's crow...

It wore a bright red collar, and with it was an attached letter. Jared fold the letter in half after he saw who it was addressed to and shoved it in his pocket. He, then, put another letter onto Murkrow's collar and began to sing to it.

Haru tilted his head to the side in confusion as he heard his older brother's singing a peculiar tune.

"Haru? Where'd you go?" he snapped out of it as he heard Jade calling him from the other room.

Haru quickly forgot about the sight and left Jared's room. Though he did not notice Electabuzz looking up at the little fire mouse. Jared knew Haru was watching through his pokemon's eyes. He stopped his singing as he looked up to his room.

Jared's attention went back to the Murkrow and he then whispered to it, "Raid, City, Knock, Out."

Murkrow crowed after him like some parrot. Jared extended his arm as the Murkrow flapped it's wings, preparing for flight. It heaved itself to the arm and flew away from the city's lights.

Electabuzz stopped producing electricity as Jared stared at his bedroom window. His attention went back to the letter at hand...

"We have to leave..."