Status: Complete

Will You Fall For Me?

I want you forever

Here I am again, in the hospital waiting for another person to die. This time, it wasn't just anybody. Her name was Adeline Mitrani, I had watched as Luke walked in to the hospital room, followed by a few other people. I was shocked, I had left him since that night, I hadn't visited him at all for a whole month. It was killing me, but I had to do it. I can't be in love wit a human.

I stood next to Adeline's bed, on the left side of her as I held her hand. Luke was in front of me, on the other side of the bed standing next to a boy, about 3 years older than him. They looked a lot alike, they must be brothers or something.

"What's your name dear?" Adeline whispered from weakness. This lady was 83, she was old. She wasn't ill, it was just her time.

"Nevaeh." I smiled, still holding her hand.

"Nevaeh? That's a beautiful name." She smiled at me. I nodded and smiled back. I looked over at Luke, who's gaze was directly on me. I knew he couldn't see me, but I guess he was hoping too. He knew I was here.

"Nan, who are you talking to?" Luke's supposed brother asked. She looked over at him and smiled.

"Dearie, it's an angel. She's come to take me away." She said as it was almost normal. Luke looked shocked, he looked like he was about to cry. The other boy, his brother was already crying silently. There wasn't anyone else in the room.

"I'll be back in a second." The older boy cried before leaving the room.

"You've got about 2 minutes, Adeline." I smiled sympathetically at her.

"Luke, honey. I love you. I'm so proud of you, Jack and Liza." She smiled as she looked up at him, still standing on the other side of the bed.

"I love you too nan." He said as he started to cry, he wiped the tears away with the sleeve of his hoody. I watched him, I felt so bad. How I had to take his grandma away from him, I didn't want to, I had to.

"Meet me tonight at 11, central park." I heard Luke think, I looked up and saw him staring down at his nan. 11 and central park, like I'd ever miss it.

"Tell everyone I said goodbye, and that I'm going to be fine." She smiled at Luke, he just nodded, covering his face with his hands. I let go of Adeline's hand as she appeared next to me.

"Nan! Nan!" Luke shouted, shaking her. Trying to wake her up, but she was dead. I looked to my left as Adeline smiled at me. I smiled back and ushered her to follow me.

11pm fast approached, I was sitting in central park, on a shabby wooden bench waiting for Luke to appear. He did, five minutes later. He walked around, finally setting eyes on me and walking over.

"Why the fuck did you kill my fucking nan?!" He shouted as I stood up, tears still evident in his eyes. His hands were bundled in his hoody pocket, his jeans, tight.

"It was her time, Luke." I sighed.

"No it fucking wasn't! She was perfectly fucking healthy until you showed up!" He shouted again. The light from the street light only lighting the path up slightly.

"It's my fucking job Luke, I don't fucking decide who dies and who lives." I stated.

"Well what about Kevin? You were there then, you told me he was going to be okay and he was. So you saved his life!" He shouted again, getting closer to me.

"I get fucking told who I'm taking, I don't decide. I got there then my friend told me that he wasn't going to die. I could've left, but I stayed to talk to you." I stated again.

"You stayed to talk to me? What the fuck would you want with someone like me? A human? Someone who can fucking feel things. Why?!" He shouted, yet again.

"Because, I love you Luke.." I sighed.

"You don't fucking love me! You're dead! You can't feel shit!" He shouted.

"I know what love is." I hissed.

"Yeah well so do I. I'm in love with a fucking dead person. God I sound crazier than you do." He laughed slightly. I half smiled, hoping we'd stop arguing.

"I've heard crazier." I smiled.

"I bet." Luke sighed before sitting down on the shabby, brown bench. I took a seat next to him and looked down at the ground.

"So what are we gonna do now?" He asked, looking over at me. I frowned and shrugged my shoulders.

"It depends what you want." I sighed.

"I want you." He stated.

"There's options. But it depends, for how long?" I asked, looking down at the ground again.

"I want you forever." He said, I looked up at him just in time for his lips to crash on to mine.