Status: Complete

Will You Fall For Me?

Am I seeing things?

"So you gonna fall or what? It's been like.. a week." Thomas said as we walked through the long, dark halls of the Los Angeles hospital.

"I dunno. I'm confused." I sighed, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Why? I thought you wanted to fall." He replied.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna fall and I'm gonna have no friends, no money, no qualifications. What happens if we're together for like a year and then we break up, what am I gonna do then? I can't just turn back in to a friggin' angel can I?" I groaned, god this was confusing.

"If that happens then chill with Anne, she'd obviously take you in or something." He replied as we both walked in to the hospital room where Thomas would be taking a patient.

"I dunno. I'm gonna go see Luke, have fun." I laughed slightly. He narrowed his eyes at me as I left which made me chuckle. Within minutes I was around the corner from Luke's house, yes, I can fly. I made myself visible and continued to walk towards Luke's house. I walked up the drive, seeing his friend with the long, red crazy hair putting some stuff in his truck.

"Hello?" He asked, eyeing me up and down suspiciously.

"Hello.. Is Luke here?" I asked, stopping a few metres in front of him.

"Who are you?" He asked as he chucked a long, black bag in to the trunk of his car.

"Naya. And you?" I asked.

"I'm Danny. LUKE! GET OUT HERE!" He shouted, looking back over at the house and then continuing to put stuff in his car. After standing here awkwardly for about 30 seconds Luke appeared, smiling widely as he saw me.

"Hey." He smiled as he picked me up and spun me around.

"Since when did you have a girlfriend?" Danny asked, staring at us weirdly as Luke still had his arms wrapped around me.

"Since like.. A week ago." Luke replied before kissing me on my forehead, I smiled as he grabbed my hand and led me in to the house. He led me upstairs and to what I'm guessing is his bedroom.

"I'm going to Aspen, X games is in a few days. You wanna come?" Luke asked as he knelt down on the floor by his suitcase.

"Nah, I gotta work." I replied, collapsing on his bed. I lay on my side, my elbow propping me up as I watched him pack the remainder of his things.

"You gotta come man, see your man at work." He winked. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I dunno. I can't just take time off." I laughed slightly, how would I do that? Oh, hi Lucifer I'm going on holiday for a week.

"Yes you can." He smiled as he walked over to me, climbing on top of me.

"I can come in intervals." I said as I rolled over on to my back so Luke was straddling me properly.

"In intervals?" He asked, looking rather confused.

"Yeah, like go for an hour or two then come back here." I replied as he kissed my forehead again.

"So, you're gonna pay $700 to come and see me for two hours, then come back to Cali and do it all over again?" He asked.

"No, I can fly. Do you not know what I am?" I laughed slightly.

"Oh, can you really? Fly me to Aspen!!" He almost squealed.

"I'm not a taxi service Luke." I laughed, rolling my eyes in the process.

"I don't believe you. Do you have wings?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied. I sat forward slightly, making my wings come out didn't hurt, even though it sounded like it would kill. I heard the cracking noises as my long, black wings came out from my back, spreading out to the side of me.

"Holy shit." Luke gasped, I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Man up." I laughed as I started hovering, I couldn't fly around the room, it was fucking tiny but I could hover a little bit.

"YO LUKE!" I heard Danny's voice echo throughout the house, I quickly dropped to the floor, my feet landing with a thud, hoping my wings would go back in quickly. I looked at Luke as his friend walked in, my wings still half out.

"Dude, you packed yo.. What the fuck?!" He screamed as soon as he saw. I quickly turned invisible, my wings going back inside of me as I did.

"Am I seeing things?" Danny asked, staring at Luke which made me laugh. The expression on Luke's face was rather funny, he looked confused, shocked and worried all in one expression.

"Huh?" Luke asked, walking back over to his suitcase and zipping it up.

"Your girlfriend! She had wings and now she's gone!" Danny almost squealed.

"You need to chill on the pot my friend. She left like five minutes ago." Luke laughed as he walked past Danny, suitcase dragging behind him. Danny looked around the room for a moment, before shrugging and following Luke down the stairs. I laughed to myself, as if Luke actually convinced Danny he was seeing things.