Status: Complete

Will You Fall For Me?

You're like the ultimate peadophile

"I can't believe you get payed to do that." I heard that familiar voice, I quickly spun around seeing Naya. God, she looked more beautiful every time I saw her. I smiled widely as I engulfed her in to a massive hug.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked, eyeing her up and down. Her tight black jeans didn't look very warm, nor did the thin black knitted jumper she was wearing.

"No." She replied, smiling slightly.

"Well put this on because everyone's gonna think you're crazy. Danny already thinks you're a ghost." I laughed, taking my blue snow jacket off and handing it to her. She put it on, it was so big on her which made me smile, she was adorable. There were people rushing by, finals had just ended and I was standing near the pipe on the flat ground. I came 7th, oh well, atleast I get to see Naya.

"You haven't told anyone have you?" She asked as she turned to look at all the people.

"That you're an angel? That you can fly? That you're dead? Nah." I laughed, she playfully punched me in the arm, or so she probably thought. Fuck my fucking life, I have never felt pain like that in my life. I grabbed my arm and gasped, holy moly.

"Man up woman." She laughed as she touched my arm. The pain stopped, she must've done something to stop it.

"You're like the hulk in cute girl form." I smiled, eyeing her suspiciously.

"I know." She smiled, squishing her nose up in the process.

"How old are you?" She asked, I looked at her and laughed.

"20. You?" I asked, actually quite scared for the answer.

"327." She smiled, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, you're like the ultimate peadophile." I laughed.

"Or you're a necrophilliac." She smirked.

"We haven't had sex! Oh yeah, when are we gonna have sex?" I smiled, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her towards me, kissing the tip of her nose.

"When I become human." She laughed, pushing me away slightly.

"When is that exactly?" I asked, my arms still wrapped around her.

"I dunno." She shrugged looking up at me, she was about 5 ft which made her even cuter.

"How do you become human?" I asked.

"You fall." She replied, looking out at all of the people again.

"So why haven't you done it yet?" I asked, letting my arms drop.

"It's a big desicion, plus, you still haven't told me what coffee tastes like. " She smiled as she looked up at me.

"It's not that big of a decision and I already told you I can't describe it." I smiled back, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to me as we both stared out at the people.

"It is. I gotta go anyway, I got people to take to hell." She smiled as she removed my arm from her shoulder.

"Don't go." I whined.

"I have to." She smiled.

"When am I next gonna see you?" I asked, I hated not having plans with her.

"Whenever you want." She shrugged.

"Tonight?" I winked.

"Ha, alright. I'll come by at like.. 10." She replied before kissing my cheek and disapearing in to thin air yet again. I sighed as I looked around, I should really get back. I wandered through the heards of people, walking for about 20 minutes until I finally reached the hotel we were staying at.

"S'up dude." Jack said as I walked in to the hotel room me, Jack, Scott, Mason and Danny were sharing.

"Alright." I yawned, god I was tired.