Status: Complete

Will You Fall For Me?


I could hear my name being called faintly in the distance, but I couldn't call back. When I tried to open my mouth, snow filled it. I couldn't move, I was trapped in snow, I must've been caught in an avalanch. I could still hear my name being called, I wanted to call back but I couldn't. I don't know how long I lay there for until I was being pulled from the snow. I screamed in pain as my body was being dragged along the cold snow. I swear both of my legs were broken.

"Luke! Are you ok?!" I heard Jack shout, I opened my eyes slightly seeing him and Danny hovering over me.

"Dude.." Was all I managed to muster out, everything was spinning, I could barely even keep my eyes open.

"Luke open your eyes!" I heard Danny's voice echo and my shoulder being shaken, I groaned in pain. Everything hurt. I opened my eyes again slowly, seeing Naya hovering over me. I looked up at her, my eyes only half open.

"Naya.." I almost whispered.

"She's not here dude." Danny cried, he was crying? Why was he crying?

"Naya.." I repeated again, she was still there hovering over me. I watched as her feel slowly touched the snow, her wings dissapearing behind her.

"I'm not gonna let you die Luke." She said as she knelt down, resting her hand on my chest.

"I.. I love you." I managed to choke out, tears escaping my eyes as I lay there in the snow. I could hear Danny and Jack talking franticly, I don't know what was going on. All I knew that Naya was here.

"Luke who are you speaking to?" Jack asked as he knelt down next to Naya, not being able to see her mind. I looked at Jack, who was crying a lot and then back at Naya. God, she was so beautiful. I could hear a helicopter in the distance and more people shouting but all I could focus on was her, I couldn't die. I couldn't leave her.

"I love you, Luke." Naya said, her face so close to mine. I blinked, trying to clear the tears from my eyes. I couldn't reply, I couldn't keep my eyes open either. I could barely breath, I felt like I was dying.

"No Luke! Open your eyes the helicopter's gonna be here any second!" Jack cried, shaking me vigourously. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything but lie there.

"Luke, please wake up!" I heard Naya's voice, then felt her ice cold touch on my cheek. I opened my eyes slightly, seeing Naya's face right before mine.

"I'm not gonna let you die, I'm not gonna let you die!" She shouted before shooting up in to the sky. Where has she gone? Why has she gone? Jack and Danny rushed to my side, both crying and moving around franticly.

"Alright, Luke we're gonna have to move you on to the stretcher now, ok? You're gonna be in a lot of pain but we need to get you to the hospital as soon as possible." A random man said as he appeared next to me. I watched as two other men appeared, a long red stretcher in hand. It hurt, to say the least as they moved me on to the stretcher, my legs were surely broken.

"We're gonna lift you in to the helicopter now ok Luke?" One of the paramedics said as he appeared to my side again.

"Ok.." I whispered, still weak from what I'm guessing was blood loss. I looked up to the sky, my eyes still only half open. The sky was nearly all dark, the sun set was nearly over. I carried on looking as the clouds cleared, and there she was. Naya's face, plastered across the sky. She was smiling but she didn't look happy. I watched in awe as she stared down at me, I didn't know whether it was real or if I was just seeing things. The two men lifted me up, walking towards the helicopter but I carried on staring up at the sky.

Jack was trying to talk to me, so was Danny but I couldn't hear them. My whole body had shut down, only my eyes were still open, still staring at Naya.

"I love you, Luke." Her voice echoed throughout the mountain. A small smile appearing across my face as I heard it. I carried on staring, staring at the most beautiful person I'd ever met. The only person I'd ever be able to love.

"I love you too.." I whispered, tears stinging my eyes.