Status: Complete

Will You Fall For Me?

She's like iron woman

"Still no word from the mystery girl?" I heard Luke's friend ask. I looked over at Luke, no one could see me. I was just casually chilling next to him on his sofa.

"Nah, it's so fucking annoying man." He groaned. I frowned a little at that comment.

"Maybe she'll just appear out of no where again." His friend shrugged.

"I hope so." Luke sighed, I smiled at that comment.

"What's so special about her anyway? I ent seen you been so bummed about a girl like.. ever." His friend laughed.

"I don't know. There's just.. something weird about her. You know what I mean? She's like just like so mysterious and shit. God, I sound like a fag." Luke laughed, which made his friend and me laugh aswell.

"Awwwh, Luke's in love." His friend laughed as he spread out on the brown sofa a couple of meters away.

"Shut up." Luke laughed as he chucked a pillow at him.

"You know what was really weird aswell? When we were getting coffee she asked me what it tasted like. She'd never had coffee in her life! And then some guy spilt his coffee on her, like seriously it was boiling hot. There was even steam coming off her arm and she didn't even bat a fuckin' eyelash. She's like iron woman." He laughed slightly which made me smile. God his smile was beautiful.

"Maybe she's just not a wimp like you." His friend laughed.

"Yeah whatever. Maybe she's like.. a ghost." Luke replied.

"Maybe you're stupid." His friend replied which made me laugh again.

"Maybe you're just jealous because a hot girl wants me and not you." Luke smiled, which made me smile also, I was 'hot.'

"Haha, yeah right. I bet she's secretly a man." His friend laughed.

"Nah, she's really not. I'm goin' to bed anyway. You're borin' me, night." Luke said as he rose to his feet, I followed him to his room and watched him change out of clothes, leaving him in his boxers.

"Havin' fun?" I heard a familiar voice ask, I quickly looked to my left seeing Leanne standing next to me with her arms crossed.

"So much." I laughed.

"I bet.. So what are you gonna do about him?" She asked as she sat in front of me on the end of his bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a seat next to her.

"I mean, you can't just keep meeting him if you're not gonna fall." She replied, here she is right on time with the reality check.

"True. I like him though." I said, looking up at her.

"So, when you gonna fall?" She asked.

"Eugh, I don't know. What if I fall and we don't get together? He hasn't suspected anything yet, well he has but not major things." I sighed.

"Annie fell last year, remember her? She's doing pretty good y'know." Leanna nodded.

"Really? God I miss her." I smiled, remembering how hilarious Annie was. She fell in love with some guy and fell, I was kinda jealous to be honest.

"Yeah man, I haven't been spying per say, but y'catch my drift?" She laughed.

"God, I wonder what being human's like." I said.

"It's probably better than this." She sighed.

"I know." I sighed, looking behind me at Luke who looked like he was asleep. I barely even knew this guy, I didn't even know his last name, what he did or anything. What was it about him that I liked?