Status: Complete

Will You Fall For Me?

Did you feel it?

I lay on the beach, looking up at the sky. It was a nice day, the guys were out and I just wanted to come here to be honest. I loved this beach. I sighed and propped myself up on my elbows, looking around at the other people. There wasn't many people today, which was weird since it was a popular beach. I scanned the faces of the people, my eyes finally setting on those familiar eyes, it was her.

"Hey." She smiled as she walked over, I sat up as she sat down next to me, dropping her shoes in front of her.

"Fancy seeing you here." I smiled.

"You're easy to find." She smiled back, lying down in the sand. I lay back down and looked back up at the sky.

"How was work?" I asked, intruiged at how fast she left the other day.

"Boring." She sighed.

"What do you do?" I asked, leaning my head left, looking at her as she did the same.

"I'm a messenger. What do you do?" She asked as she looked back up to the sky.

"A messenger for who? I'm a professional snowboarder." I replied, still looking at her. God, her skin was flawless, it was pale but I was sick of all the tanned California girls.

"I take people where they're meant to go." She said, still staring up at the sky.

"Sounds exillirating. Since when was that even a job?" I laughed which caused her to laugh also.

"I really don't know." She laughed. "Since when was snowboarding a job?" She smiled.

"You caught me there." I laughed, looking up to the sky where she was still staring.

"Nevaeh? Is that you?" I heard a woman ask, I looked up and saw a lady, about 25 standing over us.

"Annie?!" Naya yelped as she shot up, wrapping her arms around this Annie woman.

"I didn't know you fell." Annie said, causing Naya to quickly shoot me a glance.

"I haven't." Naya replied.

"Oh, god, sorry. I have to go but come see me soon, yeah?" Annie asked.

"Yeah, sure." Naya smiled as Annie turned and walked away. Naya sat back down next to me as I propped myself up on my elbows.

"What she on about with that fell stuff?" I asked, extremely confused.

"Oh, nothing." She quickly replied.

"Can I see you again?" I asked.

"When?" She replied, turning over so she was laying on her stomach, looking at me.
"Every day for the next billion years." I smiled which caused her to smile too.

"Only if you tell me what coffee tastes like one day." She smiled.

"Haha, alright. I'll tell you what coffee tastes like and you come to mine tomorrow at.. 11?" I asked, looking up at her. I rolled over on to my stomach also.

"In the morning?" She asked, I looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah. We'll do something.. Like, I don't know. But we'll do something." I replied.

"Alright. I don't see how one day with you can be so bad." She giggled.

"Hey! I'm fun to be around and you know it." I smiled, leaning in slightly.

"Yeah.. Er, you are." She whispered as I leaned in further, our lips only a few centimeters apart.

"I, I can't." She whispered again, I didn't even hear, I just kept leaning further in until our lips touched. It felt like I was being electrecuted, but it didn't hurt.. It felt, it felt nice. Really nice. I pulled away after a few seconds and looked in to her eyes, she looked scared so I smiled at her, which she returned almost instantly.

"Did you feel it?" She almost whispered, our faces still only centimetres apart still.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I heard about it. I just never had the chance to see if it was true or not." She whispered again.

"Huh?" I asked, confused at what the hell she was going on about.

"I have to go." She said as she stood up, quickly grabbing her shoes and putting them on.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I stood up also.

"Work. I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she rushed off. There she goes again.