Insane for Freedom

Poor Baby

I waked nextdoor to Edward's room and knocked on the door."Come in."He said.I poked my head in."Hey."I said with a smile on my face.Once he saw my face his lit up."Hey Mands what are you up to?"he said.This was gonna be hard."Well I came here to talk to you about something."I sat on his bed and continued"My mom always told me that there was someone for everyone,she told me that I would know raight away and that special someone would have all the same interestes as me and everything."I paused.He was looking at me with a confused face trying to figure out what I was saying and its not like he can read my mind,he never could."What I'm trying to say is I'm not the perfect person for you.With all the decisions I made my gut has never let me down ,but this time I'm going with my heart for this one.Emmett proposed to me...and I said yes."I finished my speech and I looked down at my hands."I understand."He said sadly."Can I be alone now?"I nodded and left the room.I felt really bad but I had to do it.Edward and I had nothing in common and I don't know what he finds in me.All I know is that my wedding is 3 months away!
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i know its just a filler