Welcome To Battery City, Killjoy

Intro (MUST READ!)

California, 2019.

In this place called "Battery City." The areas around it are called "zones," there's 6 official zones. So zones are like the suburbs, right? Sure, if you call an almost empty desert with no snotty rich people or clone houses the suburbs. Yes, California is a desert. It was partially before, but now there's extreme tempuratures and the occasional acid rain. I wouldn't say that it's almost empty, there are plenty of people here, just not everywhere. I also wouldn't say that these people are "normal" by any means. Anyone outside of the city (and sometimes inside) are usually either killjoys or B.L. Ind workers.

What are killjoys?

They are the independants, the stand outs, they are against Better Living and everything they stand for. They all have their special names, mostly the names of their guns. They are led and inspired by the Fabulous Killjoys. They are all a part of a band called Mad Gear and The Missle Kid. There's Party Poison; the sassy, red-headed, lead singer. Kobra Kid; Party Poison's brother and bassist who knows karate. Jet Star; the afro man, awesome guitar player and Fun Ghoul; the short, hyper little guitarist.

And what the hell is Better Living Industries?

B.L. Ind are these bunch of bastards who are trying to take over the world with their leader Korse. They are trying to make the place a utopia. Watching us everywhere we go, reading our thoughts, trying to hypnotize us. Like the folks in the city. They try and feed us pills to rid us of our emotions. The killjoys, we don't want to live like that, we want our freedom and independence. So, Korse is trying to rid the world of the Fabulous Killjoys and some of us, while trying to convert the others with the help of his minions. The draculoids and the members of the Scarecrow Unit.

Who am I?

I am a killjoy. I am nameless and people know me as that. I will find a name for me and my gun that suits me well someday. I roam the zones, seeking adventure and life. I am an artist, a musician, an original. I may fly solo or in groups, temporarily housing with other killjoys but I am not a gypsy. I have many allies, and many enemies. I hope one day to run into the Fabulous Killjoys. One day...
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I kept losing it D:
Sorry it's short. It's an intro.
Tell me what you think!
This next chapter is gonna be easy peasy pumpkin peasy, pumpkin pie motherfucker!