Welcome To Battery City, Killjoy

The Actualization of My Mind

"How do you know someones coming?" She asked suspiciously.

"I uh..." Do I tell her? I hardly know her, so I obviously can't trust her yet. She could shoot me dead in the blink of an eye. "I called them."

"Why the hell would you do that?!" My only response was to stare down at my shoes while she exploded. "Are you stupid? They could find you, they could find US. They will hunt us down like a pack of dogs and kill us before you can even think about saying 'dogshit'"

"I know." I said in a quiet voice.

"Then why the hell would you do it, you idiot!" She smacked my arm and I cringed, not expecting the contact.

"Look, I know that it's dangerous. After almost 19 years I think I'd know. I need to get to where I'm going. I don't know where I need to go exactly, all I know is I'll find a way to wherever it is when I need it. I just need to get out of here. I haven't called or texted from a cell phone in over 6 months." I paused for a breath. "I'm quickly running out of resources and I have a friend who is not too far that will help me."

She seemed to have calmed down and was slowly processing what I had said "Alright, I think I understand. It's still risky and you shouldn't do it." She waggled a stern finger at me.

"I know. So where are we anyways?"

"We're in the Eastern part of Zone 4. Pretty close to Z3." She explained. Then went on to tell me the exact coordination. I held up one finger then pulled out my phone and showed her. She knodded in approval even though she seemed shaky about it.

I dialed Nuke's number and after two quick rings she picked up. "Hi!" She exclaimed in a giddy tone.

"Hey, I know where I am now, I'm going to have my new mate Brain Stew tell you the coordinates." It sounded like she said 'alright cool' as I handed the phone over to BS. She nervously took it and placed it to her ear.

"Hey..." BS began. She jumped when she heard Nuclear talking. Nuclear was always happy-go-lucky and excited to meet people. I laughed the whole time they were on the phone. Finally she was done and handed the phone to me, I placed it back by my ear.

"Do you think you got it?"

"Oh I KNOW I've got it." She assured me. "I'll be there in a few hours."

"Okay. Thank you so much, Nuclear. I don't know how to repay you." She giggled.

"Oh, it's no biggie, it really isn't" I knew she wasn't lying. "See you later."

"Bye." I said with a smile. After hanging up I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked up at BS who was now sitting in a chair against the wall, staring at me with her arms crossed in front of her. I went over and took a seat next to her.

"See that was no biggie."

She sighed. "I guess not."

I gently swatted her arm and she looked over. "So, are you coming with us?"


"I said, are you coming with us?"

"Do you really mean it?" She said in a squeaky voice, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah." I kinda wanted her to come with. She looked like someone who knew what she was doing. Although, she seemed kinda bossy or demanding. I bet that was something I could get used to though.

"I mean. I have stuff to get together." She jumped up and started pacing. "I really don't wanna be a hassle, and, and, I don't know where to go."

"Don't worry. You can be in my group alliance." I said standing up , grabbing her by the arm and sitting her back down next to me. I know it goes against everything. I mean being alone and roaming alone. Anyway, I felt like I could use an alliance, because at this moment, sitting next to this girl I hardly know, staring at the Draculoid dangling in the middle of the room, I know. I want to help save us. I want to kick ass.

And that's exactly what I am going to do.
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GAH! This is so short and fillerish and the next one will be too. I'm so sorry for that and I will get on with it. Posting a short chapter erks me.
I'm planning on posting a few more today.
I'll post AT LEAST 3 more if I get comments.

I need comments. They fuel me. That's why I haven't updated.
Want updates? COMMENT!

ALSO!!! The Fabulous Killjoys are coming. Trust me. Soon, my children, soon.