Two Kids, No Consequences

There's Only One Way Down This Road

“So fucking stupid why are you making me to go the damn park.” Alex murmurs under his breath, pissed off that Matt was making him go to a stupid park.

“You need fresh air. It isn’t good for you to sit in front of that TV and play Black Ops until show time!” well, now Matt really does sound like his mother.

“Okay mum whatever you say.” Alex rolls his eyes under his black Ray Bans. He has to keep his identity on the down low since, hey, he’s Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low. There’s all these little kids running around and dog crap everywhere so this isn’t a very pleasant experience.

“M’gonna go spot out some hot girls, so, if you wanna come you’re more than welcome.” Jack said, pushing his glasses that were identical to Alex’s down the bridge of his nose. In Alex’s head he thinks ‘hell, that seems like the only thing to do in this boring ass park, so why not?’

“I’m coming.” he mutters and stands up, immediately cracking his back along the way. Either all the hot girls at the park had boyfriends…or girlfriends for that matter. But there was one girl that caught his eye. She had long, straight brown hair. He couldn’t see her eyes, but he bets they were gorgeous. Ear buds were in here ears, but he didn’t know that it was his own band being blasted. So he figures he can start a conversation with her by asking her what she’s listening to.

The purple haired boy goes up and stands in front of her and waves. She looks up with the most gorgeous pure green eyes and smiles a perfect smile. Maybe if she had brown eyes she could be the female version of Rian cause her teeth are perfect.

“Whatcha listening too?” Alex asks and leans over and looks onto what looks like her iPhone. Ah, she’s a fan. And it was a song that a fan leaked, Time Bomb. “Just All Time Low.” well she also has the sweetest voice ever too. This girl had to be perfect for Alex, right?

“They’re pretty cool, I guess.” he’s just gonna pretend until she catches his drift. Alex imagines she must be a big fan, cause she also has a notebook with lyrics written all over. AND Alex Gaskarth written in the center of the page. “I see you like some kid named Alex Gaskarth? What’s he like?” can’t help if he wants to know what she thinks about him! It’s very surprising that she hasn’t noticed his voice yet, if she is a big fan.

“He has the most gorgeous eyes ever, recently just dyed his hair purple which is totally hot, wait, take off your glasses for me cause you sorta look and sound like him…” when she was describing Alex her eyes were off in the distance and they looked like they were smiling themselves. The nameless girl squints her eyes at Alex as he takes his glasses off. But her eyes grow wide and she says “Holy dickfuck am I talking to Alexander William Gaskarth?!” well he takes that as huge fan.

“Indeeeeed.” he stretches out the ‘e’ when he says indeed and smiles his famous crooked smile. Her smile starts to tremble and her eyes gloss over. Oh shit why is she about to cry.

“Did I say something?! Please don’t cry!” Alex begs and holds her hand, and once again her eyes blow wide. She tries to make out words but all that comes out is a sob.

“You…music...saved me.” that’s all she can make out at this point before the tears finally fall down her face. The older boy just smiles weakly at her before grabbing her into a firm hug. “Well I’m glad that our music helped you. But all that matters is that you’re here now, right?” he forgot to asks her what her name was before, so why not now. She just nods her head into Alex’s shoulder. The warm tears are soaking through his light Glamour Kills hoodie but he could just get another for free most likely.

“I was also wondering what your name was, by the looks of it you already know mine.” she chuckles and leans back, wiping the tears away from her eyes and cheeks. “Belle. I’m really sorry, I hardly ever get like this. It’s just that this subject always gets me.” she whispers the last sentence and pulls her ends of her jacket over her fingers as she stares down at the bench.

“That’s a pretty name.” purple boy smiles at her, now taking both of her hands in his. Belle looks up at him with wide, green eyes and smiles back. “Lord, please let this be real life and not just a dream.” she whispers, looking up to the sky.

“Oh, trust me this isn’t a dream.” Alex chuckles at her and puts his glasses back on so he wouldn’t be found out. Jack is across the park from him, flirting with some bleached blonde chick. He catches Alex’s glimpse and gives him a thumbs up, which in return Alex just smiles and chuckles to himself.

“About the music saving my life thing, a few months ago I…I tried to commit suicide.” by now whenever Alex heard the word suicide he goes numb, and all he can think about is Daniel. But from practice, he can easily keep himself contained. “I felt like I wasn’t good enough for anyone, and that nobody wanted me.” that’s really hard to believe in Alex’s mind. “Well, in my mind you’re good enough for me, and I like you.” he takes a step on the wild side and bites his lip, he sincerely likes this girl. She isn’t just a casual…well not a fuck but, y’know what he means.

Belle then does something unexpected. She pulls up both of the sleeves of her jacket, revealing her very scarred wrists. “I struggle with cutting.” the biggest scar was on her left arm, it looked like it was 2 inches. “Yeah, the cut on my left wrist is the one that I tried to kill myself with. It didn’t work.” her voice cracks once again, all Alex does is takes her arm puts it up to his mouth, and gently kisses the scar that was there. She smiles through her tears, also it looks like a slight blush was creeping up onto her cheeks.

“I’m sorry for being a creeper and all if you have a boyfriend, it was nice meeting you and all…err…yeah. Bye I guess.” I guess the cocky act wasn’t going to work in this situation, Alex just chickened out. And yeah, what if she had a boyfriend. He could probably kill Alex, he thought to himself.

“Wait, don’t go!” she begs as Alex stands up. To keep him from going anywhere she grabs at his hands. This time when their hands collide, it really does feel like electricity in her veins. It sends a shiver up her spine, but Belle ignores and smiles up at the purple haired boy. “I actually don’t have a boyfriend, hah.” a bitter laugh escapes through her lips as she says that.

“Find that really, really hard to believe. You’re so gorgeous.” in Belle’s head this really seems like a dream. Alexander Gaskarth, the guy she obsesses over, could not possibly be saying all these wonderful words to her. Or just sat with her, let her cry on his shoulder or any of that. It just seems SO unrealistic. Just like those standalones that Belle would always read.

“Thank you.” Belle says, blushing furiously. Like all the things she’s heard about Alex (as in how sweet he is in person, anything along those lines) she can definitely say that they were telling the truth. Behind Alex, she could see Jack making frantic hand motions to possibly get his attention. Well this day just got better. She met and talked to and cried on Alex Gaskarth’s shoulder, and saw Jack Barakat. Chuckling to herself, she let’s Alex know that Jack is trying to get his attention.

“Shit.” he curses under his breath and rolls his eyes. “I’m sorry, I bet Flyzik wants us back at the bus. It was amazing to meet you, we’ll be in town till Friday, so would you want to go on a date with me later?” okay, she heard the word ‘Flyzik’ ‘date’ ‘me’ and ‘later’. She thought she’d never hear these words in her life.

“Oh hell yes…” then she realized what she just said. “S-Sorry about that. Got a little too excited.” Alex just chuckles and says “No problemo I see why, I’m Alex fuckin’ Gaskarth!” so this is where the cockiness comes in, Belle thinks.

By now the older boy was standing, ready to go back to the bus. Belle turns her iPhone off and wraps her headphones around the electronic and puts it in her back pocket. “Well you’re gonna need my number if you wanna have a date…” she says, while biting her lip, offering her number first. Alex just smirks and hands her his black iPhone and watches her as she puts her number in. Belle pulls out her identical iPhone and hands it over and she curses herself for turning if off. As soon as it turns back on, she blushes as he smiles at her lock screen. It was a picture of Alex from a concert she went to, and it had hearts all over it. Yeah, it would seem like a 14 year old’s background but hey, she’s childish like that.

Once the digits were exchanged, Belle looked down to her feet, flustered. She’d just met her idol, her celebrity love, who wouldn’t be? All of the sudden, the purple haired boy lifted her chin up with his finger and brought her face closer to his. Was this really going to where she thought this was going.

She cut to the chase and pressed her lips up to Alex’s, and literally sparks flew everywhere. Butterflies were present in both of their stomachs, and she smiled into the kiss. It was sweet, really. He deepened the kiss by putting his hand on her neck and brought the girl closer to him. She did her part by wrapping her arms around Alex’s neck. Belle could feel his tongue swiping on her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She granted it as he explored her mouth. He tasted like the mint gum he was chewing, that was still in his mouth. Then, her tongue massaged against his tongue and she could hear Alex moan into the kiss. Her hands were tangled messily into the boy’s purple locks, pulling at them lightly. Which was making low groans come from deep in his throat. Now, Belle feels like she was making some big accomplishments here because she was making Alex Gaskarth moan. It’s always about who he is and what she’s able to make him do.

“Sorry to interrupt your little make-out session in the park, love birds, but we really need to get back to the bus or Flyzik will chop both of our dicks off and I don’t think your girlfriend here would be pleased with that.” Jack says, pulling the two apart. Immediately she misses the feel of his warm lips against hers, but she’ll see him later. But then she realizes that Jack just called her his girlfriend, which makes her face go a deeper red.

“I’ll see you later?” Alex asks, biting his lip. His face was flushed from the kiss, as was Belle’s. She nods, adding a quiet yeah and a smile at the end. Alex starts to walk away and takes one last glance at her before going out of her sight. Well, Belle could tell that tonight would be one of the best nights of her life.
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this is only the first part soooooo stay turned (: