Status: Finished.

Just Fall

Just Fall

Falling in love is probably the scariest thing a person can do. It’s scarier than riding your bike without training wheels for the first time when you’re five or driving your parents’ car for the first time when you’re sixteen. It’s scarier than skydiving or bungee jumping.

The fear of falling in love is probably the most understandable fear and it’s common amongst some people. And why wouldn’t it be? When you fall in love, you become vulnerable to the other person. You open your heart to someone else and let them in completely but what happens when it doesn’t work out? You’re left with a broken heart and honestly, who wants that? So what do we do? The answer is simple.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and just fall. It may not be easy and it is scary as hell, but it’ll be worthwhile.
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Um, I don't know. It just kind of came out.

Comment with your opinions! I appreciate all sorts of feedback.