Status: Oneshot, finished.



The leaves crunched under her feet as she slowly walked out of the clearing. Her dark hair was disheveled, her sweater ripped and splattered. Her skirt and tights covered with dirt and the same splatter as her sweater, her boots covered with leaves.

"Hey, Azure. How about you and I go party somewhere? It'll just be the two of us." He leered, his friends bursting into laughter like a pack of hyenas.

Azure reddened and hurried on past them.

"Look at her, she's a goody-goody. There's no way she'd come and 'party' with you even if she did like you. What the hell do you want with her anyway?"

"You know me, love them and leave them. Plus she's a change and a challenge. Never been with a shy one before."; he smirked, as his friends burst into laughter for a second time. Azure's heart squeezed. He was a jerk and she knew it. As she thought back, she remembered all the girls who had changed completely after he left them, almost always in a one night-one time way.

Each one he had been with, he had broken. Broken them like they were toys made for his own personal amusement. It was all just a game and reputation for him. As Azure made her decision, she decided that no matter what, she would not be the one who ended up broken.

She continued walking, a smile forming on her face even as uncontrollable laughter erupted from her throat, while she reflected on what she had done.

She turned around and walked back to where Camden and his friends were standing. "Hey Doll face, come to take me up on my offer?"; he said with a smirk. Azure blushed a deep shade of red, acting as though she were shy and unsure.

"Actually, yes. It'll just be the two of us, right?"

"Of course, Doll face. When and where?"

She smiled brightly and whispered in his ear: "Meet me at four-thirty, in the clearing in the woods next to the park.".

"Its a little cold though, don't you think?" He replied.

"You're a big boy, I'm sure you can handle a little cold." She said shyly.

"You bet I can! I'll see you at four-thirty." Camden smirked and glanced over his shoulder at his friends who stared with disbelief.

"Alright then." Was Azure's only reply.

Azure stumbled out of the woods and into the park where, despite the cold, children were playing. One of the guardians of the children took notice of Azure and hurried over.

"Miss, what were you doing in the woods? No one ever goes in there..." They stopped speaking as they noticed the splatters all over her clothes, a horrified expression gracing their features.

"Azure, are you here?" She heard Camden call quietly.

"Yes!" She called back, as she heard his footsteps get closer. When he arrived at the clearing he saw she was in fact waiting for him. She smiled and walked back, leaning against a tree, her hands behind her back. Camden, always one up for a little fun and games smirked and followed her to where she was.

"So, how are we going to do this?" She crooked a finger at him in response, signaling for him to lean down so he could hear her. Camden leaned down as she gripped his shirt in one hand.

"Kiss me." Azure breathed. Camden placed a hand on the arm gripping his shirt and kissed her. At that same moment, Azure drew her other hand from behind her back, and placed the knife she was holding at his throat. Yanking at his shirt with all the strength she had, she pulled him even closer and slit his throat.

Camden's eyes opened as he tried to speak, falling and ripping the sleeve of Azure's sweater as he died.

"Who's broken now?" She whispered, dropping the knife and beginning to walk away.

"Someone call an ambulance!" They yelled over their shoulder before turning back to Azure. "Miss, what happened to you? You're covered in blood!" Azure whispered something they couldn't hear. "Miss?"

Azure looked up, her blue eyes glinting with madness before replying.
"I broke him."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first horror oneshot and I hope its okay. Comments are always appreciated!