‹ Prequel: Said Is Dead

The Art-Deco Project


The pain. Why wouldn't it stop? It burned my throat and my nails dragged against the tender skin. Everything was blurry-my eye twitched. This was a hospital, why weren't they helping me? All the doctors do is walk in and walk out.

They're trying to murder me.

It's the only solution. My parents sent them to make sure I suffered a terrible death. My soul would never rest in peace but would forever in be in purgatory-but the pain would stop. Yes, death. Kill me, if I have to suffer just kill me.

The burning in my throat continued-who was screaming? Why wouldn't they stop screaming? Didn't they know this was a hospital? People sleep here-they die too.

Why can't I die? Kill me already you fuckers.

My parents are here. Why the hell do they look so scared? Can't they tell I'm in pain? Give me something dammit, let me take some Vicaden. I could even go for some Advil-with a chaser of rum. Rum is always the best with Advil, it's spicy and makes me think of Christmas.

The burning was worse now. My skin crawled, I can't move my hands. Their restraining me, why? Who was screaming? Why can't I die yet?

Bloody hell, someone have mercy on me.


Gerard was pacing, he'd just gotten off the phone with his brother. The band's recording contract wasn't renewed. My Chemical Romance was now label-less. Gerard could feel a searing pain in his chest.

He clutched it and screamed, surely this is what heartbreak felt like. Gerard could feel the anger boiling inside him, he reached out in front of him and in one swift movement flipped the coffee table. He could hear his coffee mug shatter against the floor, papers sprawled across the floor-lyrics and comic strips were now ruined.

Gerard didn't care, he kicked the papers and then the couch. He turned to his lamps next, throwing them against the walls. His breathing was ragged. He felt betrayed.

He'd given everything for the band. He'd almost died for the music-and his own sanity. They all did.

Gerard ripped through his mess, making it-if possible-worse until he found his car keys. Gerard needed a drink, and for the love of all things holy, he would have one.
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This one is shorter, but it needed to be. Comments? Please?