‹ Prequel: Some Little Princesses

Call It Princely

prince of w i s h e s

Reclining in the chair, cold dark eyes surveyed the room before him. He had never been a nice person. Sometimes he liked to pretend he was, especially for Andrea and Keaton. He liked the thought of someone believing in him...even if he knew there was no chance it would ever be true. He also knew that he wasn't immune to wishful thinking.

The clock on the wall told him that he still had another hour before he could return tot hat wishful thinking. So close...a fact he was reminded of every time that Andrea slipped into his office to deliver something to him. The door opened announcing her yet again. This time the frown on her lips was marked by something between hope, victory, and concern.

"You need to see this," she ordered tossing a newspaper at him. Kellan picked up the paper, his eyes scanning it quickly before looking up at Andrea who was waving her hand for him to continue. He arched an eyebrow in question and her frown deepened, disapproval adding to it's color. "The only thing out of place," she snapped.

His eyes flicked back to the newspaper and he found it easily. SUICIDE NOTE LEADS TO TRIAL. It was his turn for his face to contort as he continued to read the article. Then he found exactly what it was that Andrea had wanted him to see. "Shit."

"Exactly," Andrea insisted as she began to pace the room. Kellan, as much as he loved her, didn't have time to pay attention to her anxious pacing. There were a few other matters that had to be sorted through first.

"Does she know?" he asked. His tone was clipped, voice cold. Andrea would have to understand and forgive him. He knew that she would, but it didn't change the fact that if it weren't for the situation they were in, he would never treat her this way. Never. He needed her too much and he knew that she needed him. The relationship was mutual in that way and so many others.

The blonde stopped and shook her head. "I haven't heard anything so I don't think she does. I'm still...God what do we tell her Kellan?" she asked the concern starting to take dominace in the frown. "He may be a bastard, but he's still her brother."

"Just like her mother is a bitch but still your sister," Kellan agreed not even thinking about what he said until he saw Andrea staring at him in horrror out of the corner of his eye, her skin paled even more than usual.

"You knew," she whispered.

He stood up quiclky moving around the desk only for her to move away from him. "Andrea," he pleaded the anger and calculation inside of him quickly stepping back to allow this other part of him to move forward.

"Don't touch me," she hissed. "You knew and you never told me."

The words were a clear accusation that he couldn't deny. Instead he looked away from her. "I knew," he admitted as he looked up at her, his eyes cold, and yet...God he couldn't explain what he felt inside. He didn't want to try to either. "I know and I don't give a damn."

"You bastard," she hissed darting forward to deliver a stinging slap to his cheek. "That is my life, my secret," she shook her head as she moved away from him. "Don't come back tonight," her voice was more quite this time as if shew as defeated or near tears. He didn't like the thought of either, but he didn't argue with her either. Instead he stood with his eyes watching nothing on the ground as she slammed the door leaving her in a room of silence and tense air. God but he had fucked that up. He had known it would happen eventually he had just hoped...

So much for wishful thinking.