‹ Prequel: Some Little Princesses

Call It Princely

prince of d i s t r e s s

His mother came home alone.

She never came home alone anymore and the fact that she did terrified him. He wasn't used to it. Change was bad. Change never meant good things in his world. His mind rebelled against the idea of change. It was why his face screwed up in concern.

"Where is he?"

His voice trembled slightly as the words slipped out. His mother looked at him with a frown on her thinned lips. He could hear the other two come up behind him, but it didn't stop him from jumping when a hand rested on his shoulder.

"Kellan doesn't live here anymore."

A moan that sounded like the word no slipped from his lips. He couldn't hear what the others said and he didn't care. All he knew was that one very important part of his life was gone. What had happened? Why was Kellan gone? Had he done something wrong? Had his mother done something wrong? Kellan wouldn't have done anything would he have?

Another hand touched hi shoulder and he jerked away letting out a strangled cry. Words flew at him, but he couldn't understand them. They didn't matter. Kellan was gone. Kellan wasn't coming back. He clapped his thin hands over his ears and spun around on his heel sprinting up the stairs to his room. The door was slammed shut with his elbow and he hobbled over to his bed, climbing onto it and curling into a ball without ever taking his hands from his ears.

His world was ruined. Kellan was gone.
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Alright so I know this is really short, but I kind of like it like that. It isn't my best chapter, but I hope that you liked it anyway!