‹ Prequel: Some Little Princesses

Call It Princely

prince of s a n i t y

His throat burned. He knew that if he just took on drink it would make it all go away, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to take that one simple pleasure that would make things better. No, it wouldn't make things better. He knew better than to feed himself that lie anymore. It would never make things better. Things could never be better. For one thing, he couldn't let them get better. If he did, it'd mean having to admit that he was worth something. That wasn't something he was ever willing to do.

Hands rested on his shoulders and he reached up to touch the smooth skin. IZZY. She was even more lost than he was. She had barely said a word since Andrea and Kellan had brought her back. They had asked him several times who had beaten him that day, but he still refused to tell them. It was his business. He had to take care of it on his own. That was if he ever took care of it. After all, some things were better simply left alone.

Wesley sighed and allowed his head to fall back onto the chair so he could properly look at Izzy. The itching burn in his throat was getting worse. He knew it would only get worse each day that he didn’t drink. He had tried to quit drinking before after all. This time it wasn’t about quitting. Maybe that was why he was able to ignore the alcohol he knew that he had stashed around the house. “Do you think she’ll let me back Iz?” he asked looking at the dark haired girl.

Izzy’s odd hazel colored eyes were dead and her black hair fell over her frail shoulders that shrugged her reply.

“Yeah, me either,” he agreed grasping one of her thin wrists in his hand. Wesley drew Izzy around to stand in front of him and just looked at her. Some part of him hated her. He couldn’t have said why. He had simply hated her from the moment he had seen her. She was rich. Privileged. She had everything. And yet…she was almost exactly like him. She was lost. She was denying the help that might save her. Maybe that was why he hated her. Not because she was who she was but because she was just like him. The thought had a shudder running down his spine and reminded him why he preferred to stay sober. “We’ll figure it out Izzy…someone has to.”

He didn’t get a reply and he honestly couldn’t say that he expected on either. It was sad to say but, Wesley was the last sane person in their house.

The thought actually terrified him.