‹ Prequel: Some Little Princesses

Call It Princely

prince of l o n e l i n e s s

Kellan strode into the motel room he was renting and had to fight the urge, once again, to slam the door shut behind him. He should have been home. He should have been sharing a meal with Andrea and her son and the other two boarders. Then again, him being alone wasn't such a bad thing either considering he probably deserved it. He'd done a lot of stupid shit in his life. Keaton first and then Andrea and Wesley and finally Izzy. They were his family. They were all that he had left. And yet, in the end, it meant nothing. He had screwed it all up. Again.

Goddammit why was he so good at that?

He pointedly ignored the minibar that occupied the space next to his dresser. He hadn't touched it since he had taken up the room and he didn't plan to either. He was going to find a way to get himself back home. It was the only place he belonged and if he wasn't with them, he was lost. He knew that for a fact and it was a fact that he couldn't avoid. It constantly battered at his thoughts every moment of every day. He reached up and stabbed the heel of his palm into his forehead hoping to make the ache in his mind go away if even for a moment.

He needed that little bastard. It was a farfetched plans and there would probably be better ways for him to do any of this, but it didn't change the fact that he was a desperate man and they were known for doing foolish things. He was apparently no exception. "I just want to hold you again Andrea," he whispered to the silent air. "I just want to hold you and promise you it'll be alright. He couldn't make that promise and he couldn't make things right. It was far from that now.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and Kellan looked down at the cloth-covered protrusion. The corner of his mouth twitched as he considered letting it continue or several other options that would make the vibrations stop. He finally gave in to one of the more peaceful options and answered it.

"Kellan?" The voice was soft and a little unsure tearing unexpectedly at his heart. When had that happened? "When are you coming back?"

He allowed silence to fill both ends of the phone. "I don't know," he finally admitted. "I really don't."

"You have to," the voice insisted, a slight desperation tone. "Everyone's gone crazy. What could be so bad that you can't...you can't..." the final word was muffled and barely understandable but he heard it. And he understood it well.

"Because I have no home," he vowed. The phone fell from his fingers and he simply ignored the pleading voice on the other end. They would hang up eventually. Right now, he just needed a shower.