Status: Complete

'Safe' Is Not A Word In My Vocabulary


Being a werewolf would make anyone’s life complicated, and I’m no exception.
I was terrified of the future, and unappreciative of the present.
I always went to sleep in fear, and woke up in a haze.

There has been nothing but endless edge-of-your-seat drama in my life, with blind corners and surprises after every turn...

My entire family was slautered by vampires.
The Cross Fire tried to kill me.
The love of my life left me, and then threatened to kill himself when I returned the favor.
Newborn vampires tried to kill me.
Irina stalked around our land looking for evidence that we should die, and she found it.
The Volturi tried to kill me.

Basically, there were a lot of close calls, and even more heartbreaks. I was never safe, and a sword always hung over my head. I lived in the moment, always searching for distractions from the pain I hid, and always suffering for it later. I was a magnet for danger, and a sucker for a good adrenalline rush. And sometimes, I was really stupid.

One problem occuried after another, and a smarter person would’ve given up a lot sooner than I did. But I’ve always been stubborn. But they wouldn’t have seen the light of my patience. After all the bad things that happened, the good things always seemed to counteract it.

I made friends, and enemies melted away. Bitterness left me, and I was actually…kinda happy, with my life, and the way it turned out.

I met the Cullens, and found out my brother was still alive.
I imprinted, and fell in love.
We’re still together, and married, even though everything that could go wrong, did.
I have a son, who looks more and more like his father everyday, both as a wolf, and not.
I have a best friend named Bree, who would’ve died without my help.
The Volturi are more tolerant of werewolves, and leave us in peace.

Jacob Black.

He was a good thing by himself, and majority of the things on the list of positives, were possible because of him.

He loves me, although I can never understand how or why he does, and I can’t even imagine what I ever did to deserve him.

He’s stubborn, kinda tempermental, a little optimistic and kinda controling, but oddly enough he’s exactly what someone like me needs.

I’ve never cried more in my life than since I met him, but I’ve never been happier either.

Our relationship was complicated at first, built off secrets and lies I formed for his protection. But even that couldn’t tear us apart when worse came to worse. We stuck it through, and made the best of everything. When the truth came out, he didn’t judge me for it, and instead loved me for everything.

There is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for him, and nothing I wouldn’t sacrifice to be with him for an eternity after forever. He’s perfect for me, in every way the word can be spoken.

He was my soulmate, my other half; my imprint.