Status: In progress; Active; Authors Needed

Letters of Sorts

Letter Three

Dear You,

I didn't know life could be like this now that you're gone. It's been a long time time but it still hurts that you're not here with us. When you left, you put a whole new perspective in life for me. While the world went on like it never happened, I was still stuck. I felt, and sometimes still feel, like screaming at someone to realize that the world isn't as good as it may seem.

I don't visit you as often and I feel bad. I don't like the guilty feeling of making it seem like I forgot about you and carried on with my life. I've been told that I shouldn't dwell on what happened, but how can I do that if I never got over it properly? I bite my tongue to keep from saying that everytime someone has told me that.

There is no sense in wishing that you were back and joking. It's never going to come true. But I could say that you will remain forever in my thoughts.

♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't mean for it to be long. It is a real letter to someone but I didn't want to put the name of who.