Status: In progress; Active; Authors Needed

Letters of Sorts

Chapter Four

Dear Brothers:

My dear little brothers, would it pain you too deeply to pick your dirty underwear off of the bathroom floor? Would it pain you too deeply to help me with the house work? I am only 16, but the weight of the world is upon my shoulders. Why are you so useless? Why are you incapable of helping me or anyone besides yourself? I try so hard to do what needs to be done, but you; oh you just sit around and expect me to wait on you hand and foot.

Do I have a sign on my back that say's kick me? Last time I checked, I did not. So next time you drop some food on the floor do not refrain from picking it up. I am your sister not your maid, I am family not your slave, so next time you need laundry done, get off your butt and figure it out yourself.

This is a rebellion, that you will not win.

Sincerely, Fed-up!
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XD my feelings at the very moment.. I might just give it to my brothers now...