Got Me In A Trance


Johnny’s POV

The boys and I were all sitting on the beach watching this gorgeous girl, Madison Winchester up on stage at playing her guitar and singing. She was sort of the Lady Gaga of rock music. She has long blonde hair that curls perfectly and ends just a bit above her hips. She’s perfectly tan and so thin, but not the disgusting thin. She was dressed adorably in shorts and obnoxious shoes.

“Alright, so, there’s one song left for me to sing, but my friend who does some hip hop music, not my talent but hey, he’s my friend and I said he could come up and sing a song granted I could dance, so I would like you to welcome Baby Bash to the stage singing one of the only hip hop songs I like “Cyclone.”

So, I’m not to excited for the song but hey whatever.

She moves her body like a cyclone
And she makes me wanna do it all night long
Goin hard when they turn the spotlights on
Because she moves her body like a cyclone

The song started playing and the dance she was doing looked so rehearsed. She danced and instead of grinding the air she moved over to the other guy and they danced during the musical interlude, she looked like she was having a lot of fun.

Shawty got looks and shawty got class
Shawty got hips and shawty got ass
When she hit the stage she drop it down low like
Ah! This is crazy, its amazing!
It must be the way of the lady!

The song eventually ended and that dude who calls himself Baby Bash walked offstage and Madison was laughing so hard.

“Wow, even though I’ve been touring for six months I haven’t had this much fun! Alright, so this next song, is the last song, the last song of tour too, and seeing as there are like only twenty of you left at this point and its just breaking three am. But I am happy to chill with whoever decides they want to stay after the show. This show is called Funhouse, its by someone I consider a sister, my best friend P!nk.”

She ran around dancing on the stage with the mic in hand just rocking out, she had turned the pop song into a much more audience appropriate rock song. After the song everyone but the guys and me had left and so after she had grabbed her bag she came over and introduced herself.

“Hi guys! I’m Madison, but you can call me Maddie.” She said shaking each of our hands. We walked a little down the beach and started a bon fire.

One after one each of the guys left and it was just me and Maddie.

“So, Johnny, tell me more about yourself.” She said from where she was sitting in the sand.

“I play bass in this band Avenged Sevenfold, I’m the shortest guy in the band, they guys you met who I was hanging with were my bandmates, they’re also my best friends in the world. They all have girlfriends and they like to poke fun at my status of being single. I’d rather be single than walk around flaunting a slut hanging off my arm like Brian does.”

“Oh, yeah, I don’t have bandmates to make fun of me for being single, which I am single, I just don’t get made fun of for it.”

“How are you single, I mean, you’re gorgeous, and you seem really nice.”

“Oh well thank you Johnny you’re not that bad lookin yourself.”

We talked a little more until the fire started to burn out.

“When are you leaving for home? Where do you live by the way?” I asked her.

“I live in New York, Clarence, its in Western New York. I leave tomorrow night.”

“Is that by Buffalo? I hear they get a lot of snow.”

“Yeah, its January, they have about four feet of snow right now. But I love the snow. I build the most intense snow forts.”

“Snow forts?”

“Don’t tell me you’ve never built a snow fort!”

“No, I live in California, we don’t get a whole lot of snow here.”

“Oh my god! You’re deprived! I always get a whole lot of people together and we make these big snow castles in my front yard!”

“That seems really cool.”

“Here, give me your number, I’ll send you pictures.” She said. I took her phone and put my number in it and she put hers in mine.

“Its been really nice talking to you, but its almost sunrise and everyone’s probably at the hotel wondering where the hell I am.”

“Oh, well, let me walk you back to your tour bus at least.” I said offering her my hand to help her up. She took it and she didn’t let go as we walked down the beach, not that I was complaining.

We got to the door of her tour bus and there was surprisingly no one around.

“I think I really sort of like you Johnny.” She rambled out.

“I think I really sort of like you too.” I said leaning in to kiss her, unlike I expected she didn’t push me away and yell, she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and kissed back. She pulled away first and looked up at me with her ice blue eyes.

“Now that I’ve met you I don’t wanna leave.”

“You can call me whenever you want.”

“Johnny, I don’t wanna seem crazy for suggesting this, and I don’t really wanna tear you from your life, but would you like to come with me? Just for a little while, just for the bus home and then you can help us build the snow fort. I mean if this seems ludicrous and you think I’m absolutely insane please say so.”

“I think that’s a great idea. I would love to, but I would have to pack.”

“Well, we can go to your house now, you can pack your stuff and put it on the bus and then go to my hotel for the night, or I can just drop you off and come get you tomorrow.”

“Well, why don’t you stay the night at my place and we can have your driver pick us up in the morning?”

“I like that even more.” She said smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
understand that I don't dislike any of the guys girlfriends, especially not Michelle, but its just in the story that most of them are skanky.