Status: will update soon.

His Angel.


It had been 20 years since the battle at Hogwarts. 20 years since his twin died. 20 years since they thought Voldemort had won.

20 years ago George’s life changed. 20 years can really change a person.

Yes, George still owned and ran Weasley Wizard Wheezes. But it didn’t seem right without Fred. Nothing felt the same anymore. Making new products for the store, pranking people, none of it was the same.

His family and friends consently tried to get him to feel better. Helping him pull pranks, letting themselves be pranked. Anything to make him happy again. None of it worked. George loved his family, knew that they were all trying to help, but he just wasn’t happy anymore. Slowly; he stopped talking to them.

All the mirrors in his house were trashed. Anything with a reflection was gone. Anything that reminded him of his dear brother. Gone. Just like Fred.

Sure, life was okay. He made enough money to get buy. Always had food and a bed to sleep in. But he was alone. He needed a companion. Someone to help him keep his thoughts away from Fred. He’s tried to move on, he really has, but he just can’t.

One day when he was working at the store George saw the girl. Well, the woman. Tall, blonde, green eyes. Perfection. Beautiful. He watched her as she walked around the shop, stopping ever so often to laugh with her friends about something, picking up random objects and putting them in a basket to buy. George just watched. She was amazing. An angel. A goddess. Words couldn’t describe her. Only when someone needed help did George stop watching her.

Everyday was the same thing to George after that. Wake-up., eat, go to the store, go home, eat, and sleep.
Nothing exciting. He went to go see his family a few times now. Stopping buy to see his parents once a week. Writing to his older brothers. And visiting Ron and Ginny randomly too. But the only thing he could think about was her.

She was the only thing he could think about. From her platinum blonde hair, to the smile on her face. He couldn’t get her laugh out of his head. It was music to his ears. George was becoming obsessed. She was exotic, an angel. He wanted to know more about her.

Everyday in the store he would wait. Watching the door to see if she was going to be there. If he was helping another customer and the bell would ring – signaling someone had came in- he would stop, checking to see if it was her. Silently cursing when it wasn’t. Months had gone bye and she still hadn’t returned.

Now, George had seen many other girls. Many had flirted with him. But to them he was just the brother to Harry Potter’s best friend. Girls had flirted with him- to get to harry.

But she was different.

He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he just did.

He had to get to know her. Just had to.

And then one day, she walked in the door. George had no clue what to do. Should he go up to her? Or just watch from afar? What would he even say to her? He had no clue.

Finally, George made up his mind. He had to talk to her.

“Hey.” George turned around. There she was. His angel. And she was talking to him!

“Hi” George replied breathlessly.

“My names Belladonna.” George just smiled.

Belladonna. His angel.
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should i keep it going?