Status: Moved from Quizilla! NEEDS COMMENTS! (:

My Sister Got Me A Boyfriend For Christmas?


Whoever this him was, he either had really bad timing or he just didn’t exist. There’s not a doubt in my mind that my sister would make him up just to get under my skin after I practically called her a child. The fact still remains, I went to bed in an empty house, and I woke up around nine in the morning to an empty house.

“Sleep, or no sleep?” I glanced around my bedroom. The bright light from the sun was peaking through my windows. “No sleep.”

I threw the blanket off of my body, and let my feet dangle momentarily before placing my feet on the cold ground and dragging them to the bathroom. I followed through with my morning routine. I don’t know what it is about a hot shower in the morning, but it makes facing the day a lot more joyful. After completing the routine, I began making my way down the stairs to grab some breakfast from the kitchen. (Which, nine times out of ten, is a Pop-Tart.) However, just as I was about to round the corner, the doorbell rang.

I stopped dead in my tracks, twitching my head to the side. Squinting my eyes, I slowly turned on my heel, burning the door down with my eyes. “Who in their right mind as at my freakin’ door at ten o’clock in the freakin’ morning?!”

Ding! This time, I winced, my body shivering with anger. If there’s one thing you should know about me, I can have pep in the morning, for the simple sake of no one bothering me that early. I am not a morning person. The complete opposite really. Do not bother me before I’ve had my Pop-Tart!

I was having a staring contest with the door, for what seemed like forever, until I realized that there was no way I would win this battle. With a grunt, I stomped over to the door, and pulled it open roughly. Without even looking at who was on the other side, I blurted out- “What do you want?!”

The figure standing in front of me, and I now paid attention to, was clearly a boy. He stood two, maybe three inches taller than I, and I assumed he had the mind span of a child; because he was staring off towards the road with his back turned to me. With more irritation than before, I cleared my throat loudly and tapped my foot against the floor.

“Oh, sorry,” I watched with wonder as he turned around. I didn’t recognize his voice, and I understood why once he turned around- I didn’t recognize him. I had half a mind to slap him in the face just for being here so early, but on the other hand, I’d have to wipe my drool before doing so. The first thing I noticed were his eyes. They were the clearest, popping, memorizing shade of baby-blue. His hair was long, but not too long, styled into what has become known as the ‘emo’ cut. His strands were dark, coal black, even. Snake bites. They brought his entire look together. My heart began beating faster. Have I ever mentioned how easily an emo boy can steal my heart? “You’re Ashley, right?”

“Uh,” I blinked a few times, still taken aback from his beauty. I quickly glanced away from him to get my mind back on track. “Who are you?”

“Tyler,” he smiled. He had a perfect smile. Straight, beautiful, white teeth. I mentally smacked myself.

“Right.. How do you know my name?”

“Your sister told me.”

“Oh, Gawd. Are you one of her annoying little party friends? She’s not here.”

He gave a chuckle, shaking his pretty head as I rose an eyebrow.

“Nah, I’m not one of her party friends, and actually; I’m here for you.”

“Me?” I snorted, rolling my eyes. “Yeah, okay, you’re here fro me. That’s why I’ve never seen you before, right?”

“She said you’d be like this,” he sighed.

“Er.. I.. What are you doing here, kid?”

“Kid? I’m a year older than you,” he spoke, a sexy smirk playing on his lips. Did I just say sexy? I didn’t mean that, honest! “If anyone’s going to be called kid here, it’s you.”

I, of course, glared at him. “What do you want?”

“Let’s go get some food and we’ll talk about it.”

Another thing that really bothers me? When people don’t answer my questions. Especially when I’ve asked them a million times. With a final glare and a huff, I grabbed the door and slammed it closed. At least, that’s what I was trying to do, but his body got in the way.

“Ashley, please?” He mustered up an adorable set of puppy-dog eyes. “Just one meal. I bet you haven’t eaten yet, have you?”

I did my best to continue glaring, which required me to glance away from his adorable eyes so that I didn’t get lost in them. Needless to say, they took away the effect of my anger. I sighed in defeat. Normally, I wouldn’t get in the car with a random dude who out of nowhere showed up at my door. But he was really cute, and I was really hungry.

“Okay,” I growled. “Let me just grab my-”
“Don’t bother. I’m paying.”

What was I getting myself into?
What did my sister get me into?
♠ ♠ ♠
I got your runaway smile in my piggybank, baby.

YAY! It finally beginssss!
As of right now- Comments are required for updates.
The more comments I get, the faster your update.
All my love; MUAH! <3.