Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


“Diyah!” I here Daisy’s scream echo through the water. I couldn’t swim but I wanted to show everyone that a talented and special girl like me doesn’t need to when she already knew how. Daisy wasn’t the best of swimmer either, she only knew how to doggy paddle. “Help!” I here her screams get farther away from me. I was like Ariel from The Little Mermaid except I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t really see and their were no talking fish like Flounder.
A hand grabs onto mine while the other wraps around my waist. Sissy. Is the only thought that runs through my mind before I am hoisted up and out of the water into another pair of arms? “Diyah!” It’s mom’s voice! More shocked than I have ever seen. Dad came rushing, picking me up and taking me to the car. Mom piers out into the water calling for Daisy waiting then finally diving in after her when there was no answer. “Carol!” Dad leaves me in the back seat and rushes back to the dock. “Carol!?” He shouts again. I watch as dad dives in after mom.

I jolted out of bed panting like crazy. I lay my hand on my chest feeling my heart ready to burst. It was the same nightmare, the same time and the same dark night. I deserved it all. My black and white cat Beast jumped up on my bed purring and running his head under my sweaty petite fingers. I took my other hand and ran it through my auburn red hair. I directed my gaze towards the balcony outside my window. The moon gleamed off of every tiny droplet. Being calmer I pulled Beast to my chest and lay on my side. I hated the monster I was.

That was the day I killed my sister, made my mom leave and watched my dad cry for the first time.

People say I’m an emotionless drone and maybe they’re right. I haven’t spoken one word since that very day. It’s been 11 years; I’m 18, senior year and just trying to get by. But isn’t that what a lot of teenagers these days are doing? I don’t drink or do drugs to get rid of the pain. I believe I deserve every bit of pain I get. I go to public school and keep to myself. Teachers never call on me knowing full and well that I’m a “mute”. That’s my nickname they gave me on freshman year. I’ve never had a boyfriend or have gone to any dances. I hear guys make jokes about how I would be great to have “fun with” in public because I wouldn’t make a sound. I don’t care what people think. I have natural auburn red hair, violet eyes, a petite yet curvy build, and one freckle on the top of my right cheek. I can play the violin because Daisy could play. My dad remarried when I was 11 and they had my younger half brother Bryce.
All I wanted was to get by and be done with high school. Is that too much to ask?

I got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that it’s all mine
Do what you want but you’re never gonna break me
Sticks and stones ain’t never gonna shake m-

I slammed the button of the alarm off. I really need to change the song. I woke up to a Beast stretched out on my stomach. I moved Beast onto the bed and sat up. Monday. I hated Mondays. I yawned as I made my way to the closet. I pulled out a white button up shirt, a full tilt flower skirt, a blue cardigan to go over the shirt with a pair of white flats. I walked down stairs with my black shoulder bag in my hand. “Morning dear.” Janie my step mother said. I nodded and dad kissed me on the forehead. All of us sat at the glass table. “How was your sleep?” Dad tried and tried to get me to talk. I shrugged and he slammed down his spoon. “God damnit Diyah! Stop this act! It’s been 11 years!” Dad’s screaming scared Bryce. I don’t have to put up with this! I’m 18 I can do whatever I want! I grabbed my bag off the cold tiled floor and made my way to the front door slamming it. Being 18 I didn’t even have my permit, I guess I didn’t want to drive nor did I ever have the urge to. After I was out of view of the house I lightened and slowed my steps. I always enjoyed the walk to and from school. It was soothing and it gave me time to clear my head.

I hated math and lucky me math was the first subject of the day! Who can even think in the morning! Sighing I pulled out my math book. “Alright we will pick up from pg. 235.” Mr. Biggens reminded me of the guy with the lisp who captured princess Buttercup in the Princess Bride. Megan B. and Megan T. sat right in front of me. They always talked, laughed or passed notes…..rather annoying.
Making my way out of the classroom I stopped by my locker. “I heard she killed her sister and mom.” Two girls behind me started talking about me. “I heard she was an orphan.” The other girl whispered not quiet enough. “I heard she’s a satin worshiper.” The girls laughed. That’s a new one. I put away my math book and replaced it with a history book. “Here comes Julian and the guys!” Both girls who were just talking about me diverted their attention to “him” as he and his friends walked down the hall. It seemed like this was out of movie I was now just waiting for a fan to blow their hair and clothes. Don’t get me wrong Julian was hot! He had nice toned white skin, muscular, short black naturally spiked hair, 5’9 almost 6’0 feet. But there was something about him. The bell rung again but no one really moved so when I started walking in his direction someone thought that it would be hideously funny to push me right into him.
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First chapter! I hope you guys like! Comment and Subscribe! Tell me what you think!

Alarm clock song: Pocket Full Of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield
