Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


A week had gone by since everything else happened. I was kidnapped, marked, dated a werewolf, told my mother off and watched a lot of Supernatural. Janie came home two days out of the week then stayed with Bryce in the hospital for the rest of the time. I started going back to school.
Dad is still missing and Julian still ignores me like the plague. I do miss him but this is for the better right? I mean I dream and think about him all the time but everything happens for a reason……………right?

I unlocked the front door and set my bag on the floor and took off my flats. “My feet are killing me!” I ran five minutes today in gym. I went to the fridge and grabbed a can of pink lemonade. I sat on the couch and pulled out the book Picture Of Dorian Gray.
Before I could actually crack into the fourth chapter the doorbell rang. Why can’t one day be normal and quiet?
I opened the door and there stood Julian. “You look like crap.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Thanks.” Oh crap! I did it again. “Sorry now I just blurt out my thoughts.” He waved his hand like it was okay. “What’s wrong?”

Julian looked like he was having with drawl from some kind of drug. “Me.” I had him come in and I shut the door. “Sit.” I gestured to the couch but he turned to me and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m sorry for saying those things.” Is this why he doesn’t look so good?
“I should be apologizing. I’m the one that said things that I wish I could take back.” He pulled away one arm still around my waist and the other caressing my cheek. “I’ll forgive you if you forgive me.” I smiled.

“I forgive you.” I really did miss Julian. “And I forgive you.” I tried to pull away but he kept a tight grip. “I need you.” He strained his voice as he laid his head on my neck. I needed him too.
Julian pulled his lips to mine. We started making out right then and there. “Upstairs.” I managed to mutter. “Okay.” Julian pulled my hand as we ran upstairs. I fell onto the bed and he hovered over me as our kissing started back up again. I love you.

-If you love somebody
You better let it out
Don’t hold it back
While you’re trying to figure it out
Don’t be timid
Don’t be afraid to hurt
Run to all the flame
Run to all the fire
And hold on for all your worth-

I took off my shirt and Julian took off his. His perfect chiseled torso made me melt just looking at it. He unbuttoned the clasp on my bra and took it off. Julian next undid his pants and then mine.

-Cause the only real pain a heart can never know
Is the sorrow of regret when you don’t let your feelings show
So did you say it?
Did you mean it?
Did you lay it on the line?
Did you make it count?
Did you look them in the eye?
And did they feel it?
Did you say in time?
Did you say it out loud?
Cause if you did hun
Then you’ve lived some
And that feeling inside that’s called

Our skin was now touching. His body was burning up and it felt rather nice with my open window blowing cool air. “Diyah.” His fingers ran across my jaw line and his eyes locked onto mine. “I love you.”
My eyes welled up with tears. “What’s wrong?” He wiped my eyes. “I’m so happy.” I sobbed like a baby. Pathetic. “I’m glad you’re happy and not hurting.” He laughed then kissed my forehead. “You’re so beautiful.” Julian kissed my eye lids. “You’re my world.” He kissed my cheek. “Everything I need.” His lips then hovered above mine. “Diyah James Reede, I love you.”

Finally our bodies were connected. “I’m going to melt!” I gasped grabbing onto Julian’s back. “I’ll melt with you.” He panted. I grabbed onto his back tighter. It was hot and I was getting dizzy.
Our bodies melted and I groaned so loud our neighbors could probably hear it. “You okay?” Julian fell onto the bed. “Yeah.” I cuddled up to his body trying to fight the cold. “Here.” He put the covers over us. “Better?” I nodded as I cuddled up to him more. “I love you.” Julian smiled and kissed my head.

We fell asleep and for once I didn’t have a nightmare. It was amazing! It was Julian, me and our son? We were in the park and I had set out a traditional picnic blanket with different kinds of finger foods on top of it.
“Who’s my little man?!” Julian was playing with our son. He was twirling with him. “Me!” He shouted throwing his hands up in the air.

My eyes popped open and I was lying in Julian’s arms. He’s asleep. I slipped out of the bed and picked up Julian’s dark grey t-shirt and put it on. It’s just a dream, It’s just a dream. I walked over to my life size mirror and pulled up the shirt.
I stared at my flat stomach forever! “Hey.” Julian came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “What are you doing?” He started rocking us back and forth. “Nothing.” I lied. It’s hard to break that habit when you’ve done it for so long.

He spun me around facing him. “You’re even more beautiful.” He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. He looked smoking in just his black boxers! “Is that so?” He laughed then kissed me. “Let’s make breakfast.”
Julian grabbed my hand and he led us downstairs. “Why is the front door open?” I asked as Julian squeezed my hand. “Diyah James!?” Oh shit!

We turned around to the living room area and there stood mom. She has perfect timing!
♠ ♠ ♠
It's up! Okay so when it comes to their love making (not sex) I'm not going to go into hardcore details anyways this story is PG-13 haha! I really like making the mom the bad guy. She gets worse so beware lol!

Song used: Satisfied by Jewel

Comment or discontinuation!

Enjoy! X3