Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


“How could you?!” Again with the how could I crap! “This is your mother?” Julian asked and I nodded a straight forward yes. “You almost killed my father.” What?! “You didn’t tell her?” Julian smirked. Just when I thought my life was starting to get better mom comes barging in!
“Tell me what?” Julian kept that tantalizing smirk on his face. “Your mother hunts my kind. She was after my father eleven years ago and when she couldn’t kill him she ran away.” That’s why she left us?

“Don’t listen to him honey.” How could this monster be my mother? How could I even look at her? “Get out.” I couldn’t take it anymore. She left my life eleven years ago and now she comes back wanting back in?
“What?” I walked over to the open front door. “Get out and never come back.” Julian was just as shocked as she was. “Carol leave.” She took a step toward me. “Now you’re going to call me Carol and not mom?”

“Like I told you when you first came here, my mom died that day.” I gestured for her to leave. “You’ll regret doing this.” Carol turned around before I shut the door. “I won’t regret this, but I do regret blaming myself because of you.”
With those last words I shut the door on her. I didn’t even hurt. “You okay?” Julian rubbed my shoulders. I smiled and turned to him. “I feel amazing. How about that breakfast?”

Julian made the chocolate pancakes; I made the eggs and bacon. “Pancake king over here.” He was flipping like it was nothing. “It’s cause I’m awesome.” He gave me a light peck on the lips.
“Being awesome only goes so far.” I held out the plate for pancakes and he put the 3rd one on it. “I only want one pancake.” He nodded and turned off of the stove. It felt nice us cooking together. I want all my firsts to be with the person I love. “Maple or blueberry syrup.”

“Do you have cool whip?” I nodded and pulled out the light cool whip. “Come to me!” Laughing I gave him the tub. “Pancakes and cool whip.” He put three spoon full on top of his pancakes.
“Don’t you think that’s a lot?” He furrowed his eyebrows. “This is how real men eat!” He smiled. “No that’s how real men get heart attacks.” Julian started eating the pancakes and I poured the blueberry syrup on mine.

We talked and laughed like a married couple should. “Shh do you hear that?” I waited then shook my head. “It’s your phone ringing you better go get it.” I nodded and ran up stairs.
“Hello?” I took a deep breath. “I have good news!” Janie. “What is it?” Was she crying? “Bryce gets to come home tomorrow!” Great news! I exhaled the breath I was holding in. “That’s great!” Yup Janie was crying. “We’ll be home tomorrow at one.” I couldn’t wait!

I came downstairs with my phone in my hand and Julian was still eating. “What is it?” I smiled. “Bryce is better and he’s coming home tomorrow.” I kissed Julian on his cool whip pancake lips.
“That’s great.” I sat down and crossed my legs. “You know I just realized we graduate in a month.” Oh we do! “Yeah time sure has flown.” I took a bite of my eggs. “What do you want for our wedding song?” What? “Wedding song?”

“Yeah they play that at weddings?” I’m not stupid. “Yeah I know that. Why are you thinking about our wedding song now?” He shrugged. “Marriage comes before kids.” I raised an eyebrow. “We haven’t even graduated yet.”
“Just thinking out loud.” No you’re not. “What’s this about?” I put down my fork. “It’s about me loving you.” Julian gave me a big grin. “I’m not stupid you know?” He nodded. “I know you’re not.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter (sorry). Ooooo! What do you think about Diyah telling her mom off? What do you think Julian is hiding?! I'm so happy with my readers! You guys rock!

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3