Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


We finished breakfast. Julian washed and I dried. “We have the entire day to ourselves what should we do?” I shrugged drying the last dish. Julian picked me up and slung me over his shoulders like potatoes.
“Julian put me down!” He laughed then threw me on the couch. “Come on sour puss!” He ran outside. “He’s like a little kid.” I muttered following after him. Right when I ran out the door I was sprayed by water.

“Oh I’m sorry.” He pretended to be sorry then sprayed me again. “Julian!” I grabbed the bucket of water and threw it on him. “It’s war!” The water hose continued to spray as we wrestled on the wet green grass.
We fell onto the grass. I sat in between in his legs. “Do you have a life list?” Life list? “Like a bucket list?” He nodded intertwining our fingers. “Yes.” I was soaked to the bone. “What’s some of them?” I thought about it. “One of them is I want to create a rainbow on a sunny, cloudless day.”

Julian stood up and grabbed the water hose. “What are you doing?” He smiled and put the water up in the air. “It’s a sunny cloudless day right?” I looked up and then I nodded. Julian tilted the water hose a certain way.
“Your rainbow.” With the water and sun the rays of different colors showed up. “Fantastic!” I mentally checked that off my list. “What else?” Before I could say anything Julian was heading to the house. “My phone is ringing I’ll be back.” I nodded.

My legs stretched out in front of me. People drove by giving me weird looks or waving. Julian was inside for so long I decided to go in and see if he was okay. “Julian?” He wasn’t downstairs so I went up to my room.
“I’m not going to listen to you.” I herd his voice behind my closed door. “I love her, all of me.” He paced my room. “I’m not like you I’m not going to use Diyah like you used mom.” He’s talking to his dad. I know I shouldn’t be listening in but you know how the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.

“Don’t act like we are a perfect family cause we aren’t.” He continued to pace my room. “Don’t ask that.” Julian let out a sigh. “You don’t know her and you won’t know our son.” What?! Our son?!
I went back outside. “Our son?” I mumbled sitting back on the grass. I put a hand on my stomach. “Our son?” I looked at my stomach through the wet shirt. “Sorry Diyah.” Julian came out.

“It was Blaine.” Lies. When will everyone stop lying to me? “It’s okay.” No it’s not. “Do you want to go inside and dry off?” I kept staring out to the other houses across the street. “No.” Diyah if you keep acting like this he’s going to think something happened. I turned to him and smiled.
“It feels nice out here. Let’s just sit out here for awhile.” He nodded and sat behind me, his legs coming on both sides of me. He had his phone in his pocket. “Let’s take pictures.”

He pulled out his phone and held it up. “Ready?” I smiled and nodded. We took a couple different pictures. I realize that even if I’m pregnant it’s with his child. He took pictures of me and we took pictures together.
I mean that’s what being in love means, right? I want all my firsts to be with him and only him. “Let’s go dry off.” We went inside and changed clothes. I put on my Spongebob shorts and blue t-shirt. “Spongebob?” I laughed. “Don’t diss the man with the pants.”

“Julian wore a white v-neck t-shirt and grey pants.” We sat on the couch well more like he sat and I laid my head on his leg.” We watched some kind of horror movie. I wasn’t really paying attention.
“Julian?” He looked down at me. “Am I pregnant?” He didn’t seem surprised that I knew. “Yeah.” I sat up. “How can you know? It only happened last night?” Julian laughed. “Call it werewolf instinct.” I put my head on his shoulder. “What gender is it?” Julian smiled. “I’m guessing boy.”

“What should we name him?” Julian put a blanket on me. “I want his middle name to be Bryant.” It sounds like a courageous name. “That was my grandpa’s name.” I smiled. “He was a great man.”
“I want his first name to be Ethan.” I could tell he gave me a stern look. “Why?” Actually there was no reason like his. “I just like the name.” He nodded. “Okay I like it.” We were already talking baby names just the day after “it” happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not a great chapter. I have so much going on but I will be updating tomorrow too. I hope you guys like Julian (I know I do). XD

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3