Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


Bryce and Janie came home the next day. It was nice seeing his beautiful dazzling smile. “You look great!” I gave him a bear hug. “Doctors say he recovered quite well.” Janie gave me a hug next.
“Hi Julian.” He gave Janie a hug then looked at Bryce. “My man!” He held up his hand for Bryce to high five. “Nice!” Bryce smiled and ran upstairs to his room.

Through the coarse of the next month there was still no sign of dad which made Janie toss and turn at night. Julian stayed the night a lot and we took Bryce to school in the morning.
Blaine and Mack became good friends. People found out that I started to talk in turn they started to talk to me. A female transfer student from Paris became my new friend. Annabella Cortège. She is sweet and fun to be around.

Graduation day.

“I feel fat.” I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a black and white mini dress. “You’re beautiful.” Julian wrapped his arms around me. “You’re not the one pregnant.” I frowned. “That would be really weird if I was.” I hadn’t seen Julian’s dad since the first time I met him.
Which Julian convinced me that, that was a good thing. “I’m serious!” He laughed. “You can barley tell the difference.” He laughed and grabbed his white tie from my bed. “You still can.” I frowned and brushed my hair.

“Knock knock!” Annabella! “Anna!” I hugged her tightly. “You look amazing!” She wore a dark purple dress. “Look at you! Black is such a good color on you!” She gave Julian a hug. “Where’s Mack?”
“Schmoozing Janie.” She laughed and sat on the bed. Annabella and Mack started dating a week after we became friends. “Diyah?” Julian put the tie around his neck and I helped him tie it.

“You guys make such a cute couple!” Anna squealed. “Yeah, yeah go make sure Mack is ready.” Julian shooed Anna away. I continued to tie his tie. “I’ve been wondering this for quite some time.” Julian looked at me. “And?”
“How did your dad get Carol to leave eleven years ago?” Julian thought about it. “All I remember is when Carol was threatening my dad he said something then he said he would blackmail her if she didn’t leave for good.”

“Like I said I don’t remember much nor could I hear that well.” I finished his tie then smoothed out the wrinkles on his shoulders. I sighed and he put his hand on my cheek. “What?” I gave him a light peck on the lips.
“I just wish my dad was here.” Julian hugged me. “I know.” Anna and Mack came barging in. “Oh stop smooching and let’s go!” Mack laughed patting Julian’s back.

We arrived at the school hand in hand. Julian carried our robes and hats in the other hand. Mack and Annabella walked in front of us. When we entered the doors there were Anna’s parents came to greet her.
I thought it was kind of weird she moved schools just to graduate but that’s just me. “Diyah.” Her parents gave me hugs. They liked me. “You two look beautiful.” The mom started to cry.

They took pictures of Annabella and me, Annabella and Mack, Me and Julian, Julian and Mack. I feel like a model. “We better go get ready.” Annabella said giving her parents hugs and we went to the back of the school.
Julian helped me put on my robe and hat on. “You know you would look good even in a trash bag.” He kissed me then put his robe and hat on. “This robe feels like I am wearing a trash bag.”

The ceremony started and everyone took their seats. The valedictorian Heather said her speech then they started going through the graduates. “Julian Brown!” The principal called out. I clapped as hard as I could making my hands turn red and burn. He got up to the stage took his diploma and gave the crowd and smile and me a wink.
A few minutes later my name was called. “Diyah Reede!” I stood up and walked up the stage. Do you see this Daisy? I did all of this for you. I smiled and took the diploma.

Janie and Bryce stood up cheering for me. I left the stage and joined Julian. The rest of the people were said then we all went back on stage. The principal said a couple more words.
Our caps were thrown up into the air and people started taking pictures left and right. “How does it feel?” Julian wrapped his arm around my waist. “It feels the same before we got here.” He laughed.

“Congratulations!” Janie wrapped me up in a big hug and Bryce hugged my waist. “Thank you.” I really wish dad was here. “I know I wish he was two.” Was everyone mind readers?! Janie moved a strand of hair behind my ear.
Before I could actually start crying Janie’s phone started to ring. “Hang on.” She picked up the phone. “Hello?” She paused. “Yes this is.” Julian and I traded glances at one another. “Yes okay! We’ll be there in ten.” Janie hung up the phone then looked at me. “They found your dad. He’s in the hospital.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I said I was going to post yesterday but I couldn't cause I saw the movies Beastly, I Am Number 4 and Tangled. lol

Anyways! They found her dad! Yay! Sorry if this chapter feels rushed.

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3