Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


All the students broke out into a roar of laughter. I didn’t even trip! It wasn’t even my fault! Julian bent down and picked up my black bag and I picked up my note book and pencil that fell out. “You okay?” He smiled a smile even an angel would be envious of. I nodded my head then snatched the bag out of his hand. “Your welcome.” Sarcastic aren’t we! A friend on his right leaned in and whispered to him. “Oh! You’re the mute!” My eyes slanted. Really!? Is that what I’m reduced to! I do have a name! I found myself turning around and walking in the other direction that wasn’t even close to my next class. “I think you might have made her angry.” The guys broke out into laughter then made a right turn apparently heading to gym class probably the only class they didn’t fail in. Students scurried like disgusting rats heading to their classes. I just didn’t understand why my dad wouldn’t let me be online schooled instead of this! I hated history! It was rather boring and I always found myself wanting to fly off into Neverland with Peter Pan. We watched the same documentary about George Washington when I was in 8th grade and it’s even more boring and annoying now. A kid from the left of me tossed me a note. I didn’t even give it a second glance before I threw it away. I didn’t care what it was about.

Lunch time. Oh how I hated lunch! I didn’t have a table. No. I had a piece of grass faraway from the cafeteria which I didn’t have a problem with, it was just getting out of the lunch room in piece and quiet….that was my problem. “Hey Diyah!” A crack snorting, skater wanna-be, hair makes me angry punk called my named. I looked at him not even happy I had to look at a face like his! It’s a face only a mother could love. “My mom’s on the other end can you talk to her?” He held up a cell phone. Oh ha ha! I hope someone runs over your leg! Then we will see who’s laughing then! I didn’t even give him the satisfaction of changing my facial expression. Escaping the fumigated hell hole of a lunch room I felt a weight be lifted from my lungs. The rain that had come down in the middle of night last night had already evaporated from the ground. I saw the tree. The old oak tree that I loved! What the!? When I came up and around the hill the old oak tree revealed Julian leaning against it. “About earlier.” He messaged his neck. I want to punch you in your neck. “I didn’t mean to call you a mute.” He scoffed. After a couple minutes of silence he decided to continue on. “If you ever need anything just stop by home room.” I scanned him carefully. I was the one that ran into you! I nodded then gestured my hand for him to leave. “Yeah no wonder you like this spot.” He smiled another charming heart warming smile then made his way back to the cafeteria. Like I always did I finished my lunch 15 minutes before the bell rang. I pulled out my book of choice. It was Firelight by Sophie Jordan. Like Jacinda I to longed to be free.

I set the book back in the bag and got up right when the bell rung. I’m good. I threw away my leftovers and made my way down the hall. English is next. Sighing I had a steady pace going through the hall. “Aiden.” I herd a girl whine his name right before I looked up and saw him leaning against a pair of lockers. He came to this school a month ago claiming he lived in New Zealand. I knew he was lying what kind of sane person would move from that beautiful place to here? His eyes held mine. It was like being caged by him….I didn’t like it.
My grandma Sophie told me when I was 5 that just like her I can sense the good and evil in people. Back then I didn’t care what she was talking about but I actually started to believe that. His eyes were a cold dead grey with a tint of red, blonde hair curled up against his head, he was slender but intimidating. I forced myself to look away walking faster with every step. I could still feel his gaze on me. Creepy. I took in a deep breath when I arrived at English class. “Good Afternoon Diyah.” Mrs. Towning smiled and patted my shoulder. She shut the class door. She had a rule if you weren’t there before she shut her door than you had to go to the office. I liked her! “Okay class today we are starting a new book.” She walked to the front of the class standing behind the podium and in front of the dry erase board. “This time it’s The Picture of Dorian Gray.” My eyes sparkled with excitement. I love this book! “Jimmy and Sarah come hand out the books.” Both Jimmy and Sarah were quiet but secretly liked each other. You could tell with the smile they made at one another when the other wasn’t looking. Sarah set the book on my desk and made her way back up to the podium giving Mrs. Towning the left over books. “I want you guys to read the first chapter tonight.” There was a mixture of “aw mans” and “yes” in the classroom. “If you don’t do it you will have detention tomorrow so if I was you I would think twice.”

The rest of the day went by like slicing into cake. The last bell for the day rang dismissing us. I was in the crowd of students pushing their way out the blue metal doors. I pulled out my red ipod and white ear buds. “Hey Diyah!” Somebody actually knew my name. Surprising! I turned around and saw Julian, his friends and some school whores standing by their nice cars. Julian smiled like he did earlier. “Do you want a ride?” I’ve seen you around school for the past four years and now you’re noticing me? “Julian, baby don’t mess with the mute.” A girl with ugly unwashed hair and badly done makeup grinded her body against his. He lightly pushed her off as he walked up to me. “So?” He tilted his head looking down at me. My heart started thumping fast. Something about him made my body react to his. I had the sudden urge to touch him. Diyah James! I shook my head smiling. “Okay then next time.” He fingers ran across my shoulder then walked back to his car. I’ve never felt anything like this before. His touch I wanted it more than I should have. What’s wrong with me? I walked off into the direction towards my house. I messed with my ipod and picked a random song.

I owe you love song
So much I could say
I owe you a love song
Words that I can’t say

Remember the days
Of sleepless summer nights
That took us away

I yawned walking down the same narrow, long and remarkably straight road. A shiver ran up my spine. It wasn’t the same feeling like I had with Julian it was different. I turned around, I could feel someone watching me, I could feel the coldness wash upon me. I turned back around and started walking again. If I started running I would risk a chance of something bad happening.
I slammed the front door panting hard. “Diyah?” Janie my step mom came into view. “You okay?” I nodded taking off my shoes at the front door. “Your dad will be home at 4 and he is taking you somewhere.” She smiled and I made my way up stairs. Where is he going to take me? Is he going to make me try to talk? I threw the bag on my desk and sat on the bed petting a sleepy Beast. What time is it anyways? I saw the blue clock on my night stand read 3:30. Ugh! I laid down staring up at my ceiling. Julian. I sighed. Wait! What?! I just thought his name uncontrollably. Minutes passed and I yawned some more. Why was I so tried? Somehow I closed my eyes and fell into darkness.
“Diyah?” Who? “Diyah James?!” My eyes popped open and there stood dad his hands on my shoulders. “Come on.” He smiled a smile of relief and left my room. I sat up and saw the clock and this time it read 4:50. That’s awesome. I loved my sarcasm. I walked down stairs, slipped on my flats and walked out the front door with dad behind me. His black Volvo hummed as we got in. “You are going to go with me to the shop.” He smiled, patted my leg then put the car in reverse. The shop? Dad never took me to places like this.

Uncle Joe’s Mechanic Shop. That sounds like all kinds of fun! I got out of the car sighing. I followed dad into the office. “Hey Max!” A husky guy shook hands with dad. “Joe.” Dad turned to the side. “I told you about my daughter Diyah.” I shook his greasy, oil smelling hand. “Nice to meet you.” He said and I nodded. What did you think I was going to say anything? It takes more than that dad. Dad walked with the guy Joe showing him around the garage where there were people working on variety of cars. “And this is where you will be working.” Why was dad going to be working here? Of course I had no clue who it was directed to until dad cleared his throat. “Diyah pay attention.” I faced the Joe guy and he laughed. “You will be working here from today on.” Dad muttered. I’ll be what?! Dad patted my shoulder. “It’s for your own good. I want you to start talking again and start acting like a normal teenager.” Being normal is overrated. He kissed me on the cheek. “I’ll be back to pick you up at 7.” Then he left. He actually left me! “Diyah please follow me.” I did what he said. “You can call me Uncle Joe I’m the owner of the best mechanic shop in town.” He laughed. Have a big head don’t we? He showed me the supply closet. “You will be the clean up chick or janitor; this is the closet where you will find anything and everything.” He rubbed the back of his head. “You will be working under my nephew. If you have any questions just ask him.” He did the same thing again but stalling more. I guess he was uncomfortable with my silence. “I’ll introduce you to my nephew.” I smiled and nodded. That would be wise.

“Hey nephew!” Uncle Joe shouted from across the garage. “Over here Uncle!” A voice echoed from under a classic firebird. “I want you to meet our new janitor that will be working under you.” Joe kicked the guys boot. He slid out from under the car. I still wasn’t able to see him face yet. He walked around to the other side where we stood. “Julian this is.” Before Joe could finish he was cut off. “Diyah?” Oh great! It’s Julian! “You two know each other?” Joe raised an eye brow. “Yeah we go to the same school.” He smirked. “Well then this is going to be fun.” Sarcastic old man. I frowned. “I have to get back to work so Julian if you don’t mind can you show her the rest of the stuff?” Julian nodded and Joe left. This was just awesome. “You clean up everyone’s area’s after they get done working for the night and that is at 6.” I nodded. “While everyone is working just find other things to clean up, like parts or walls okay?” He turned towards me and I flipped a thumb up. “It’s going to be fun with you around.” He chuckled and patted my shoulder. “Any questions just ask. I have to get back to work.” I nodded and he went back to the Firebird. I walked around the shop already cleaning all the dirty walls, floors, dusting the carpet at the front door, sweeping dirt away from the garage. Why me? Is this honestly what dad is doing to try to get me to talk? Sighing I hung up the broom, organized the closet then roamed over to the Firebird. “How’s it going?” He was now working on the engine. I gave him the do-you-really-want-to-ask-me-that-question look. “Yeah being a janitor here isn’t all that fun that’s why our last one quit.” He stopped looking for a tool. “If you’re not doing anything can you get me that wrench over there?” I nodded, picked up the wrench and handed it to him. Our hands touched and I swore I saw fireworks go off. He was warm and his skin felt good.

I was about to walk off when he stopped me. “Diyah you have nothing else to do just stay here and help me.” I smiled. “First time I have seen you smile.” Julian rubbed the grease onto the red cloth. “I like it.” I felt the red from my cheeks slowly but surely start to show it’s self.
I worked with Julian until the clock struck two minutes before 6. He slammed the front closed. Everyone except me and Uncle Joe clocked out. Julian walked back over to where I was standing. “Be careful cleaning up okay?” I nodded. “See you tomorrow.” I watched him exit the building. I grabbed the broom and dust pan and swept the work areas. It sure is dirty! I sneezed once then twice. And dusty. “Hey Diyah.” I turned around to face Uncle Joe. “I have to grab something from my car I will be right back.” I gave him a thumb up and he went outside. I felt it! The same coldness from earlier! I took a couple looks around the place and there was nothing. I went back to sweeping when I could feel that deathingly cold stare on me again. Don’t panic Diyah. Stay calm. I could here it, the breathing of something or someone.
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Thank you GoddessOfThunder for being my first commenter! I was so happy when I read that!

Ipod song - I Owe You A Love Song by Shiny Toy Guns.

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