Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate

Twenty Two.

It’s been four months since Julian left to try and settle this “battle” that other wolf packs declared. We were supposed to have got married two months ago but it just hasn’t happened.
I went window shopping with Annabella. “You okay?” I nodded. Mack told Annabella about everything and who he was before they left. “I know I miss Mack too.” I didn’t even have to say anything.

“We’re expecting twins.” Wait what? She said that so fast I almost didn’t catch it. I turned to her and raised my eyebrow. “Yeah I’m pregnant.” I couldn’t really jump up and down so I just hugged her. “I’m so happy for you!”
“When did you last talk to Mack?” We walked the Thursday morning sidewalk. “Yesterday.” I turned to her. “Really?” Annabella nodded her head. “When was the last time you talked to Julian?” I frowned. “Last week.” I crossed my arms. “Well he is the pack leader.”

“I know that’s what Blaine told me.” I sighed. “I just miss him.” We linked arms and walked side by side. “Yeah anyways Mack told me that Julian will be sending you his right hand man so you can be safe.”
Right hand man? “Who’s that?” She stopped in front of a shoe store. “A guy named Snow or White something like that.” Annabella mumbled not really interested in the conversation anymore.

“I’m home!” I shouted shutting the door. Janie decided to get a job at the nearby hospital and Bryce stayed at his friend’s house a lot. It’s quiet. I walked upstairs and pulled out one of Julian’s shirts.
I lay the nice cotton fabric against my cheek. I wanted so much to feel his arms wrap around me and cover me in a blanket of love and warmth. I took off my shirt and put his on.

I walked downstairs only to notice that some had been knocking. How could I not hear that? “Coming!” I shouted. I opened the door to a tall guy with blonde almost white hair, athletic build and a nice cheesy smile.
“I’m Snow.” Oh so this is him. Julian’s right hand man. “Julian wasn’t lying when he said he had the most beautiful girl as his fiancé.” His comment made me smile. Only Julian would say that.

“Come in.” I moved to the side and he walked right in hands at his side. “How has your day been?” No one has asked that in a long time. “Productive. Talk about window shopping is the way to pass the time.”
Sarcasm ran in my blood. “Good to hear.” He decided to take a self tour of the house. “Nice home.” He finally said walking back into the living room where I sat.

“Thanks.” He sat down on the other side of the couch. “How is Julian?” He turned to me. “He’s okay. Tired and misses you a lot.” I miss him too. “Is he eating well?” Snow nodded a yes.
Before I could ask my next question Snow held up his hand. “He will be home next week. This little catastrophe is almost settled.” I could barley hold in my excitement!

“What is this catastrophe about anyways?” Julian didn’t tell me anything. “It’s about Julian the alpha male of our pack.” When anybody said that Julian was the alpha it actually turned me on a little.
“Every month the alpha’s of every state come together for a meeting and they found it disrespectful when he didn’t show up for a long time.” That’s my fault. I suddenly felt guilty.

“So when are you due?” He was changing the subject. “In four months.” I looked at him. “Talking to other alphas doesn’t take four months.” I paused then continued. “There’s something else you’re not telling me.”
I stared Snow down waiting for him to crack. “Okay fine!” He threw his hands up in the air dramatically. “Someone killed someone from our pack. Julian thinks that whoever it is is only after someone from our pack.”

Was that so hard to tell me? “But why?” Snow shrugged. “Julian thinks someone has a grudge against him or his father.” The first person I thought of who would have a grudge would be Carol.
“I think it will be okay.” Snow noticed my expression. “Don’t worry.” I was going to worry cause if it was Carol then Julian could be killed. Raising a kid with no father was no option for me.

“That’s why Julian had me come here.” He was afraid they would come after me. “He thought that if someone is after him then they might be after you.” Thanks Captain Obvious!
I really needed to kick this sarcasm habit. I turned on the TV. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore. He’s hiding something else. I took a quick glance to Snow then back to the screen.

A week later.

I rushed through the house. I made a nice big lunch of all Julian’s favorites. “There’s no need to run throughout the house.” I hushed Snow then continued on with what I was doing. Snow and I became pretty good friends. He was like the gay friend I always wanted.
“They should be arriving any minute!” Did he really have to announce that? I wore a dull pink pregnant-belly-flattering dress I bought a couple days ago. A car door shut then another. “Oh shit!” I turned to Snow.

“Rachel’s here.” Rachel? “Who’s Rachel?” I knew he was leaving something out. “Rachel was supposed to be Julian’s mate.” I slapped Snow on the shoulder. “Now you tell me this?”
“I didn’t think it was important until now.” I slapped him again. “Julian is my husband-to-be, I’m baring his child and you didn’t think it was important?” Snow smiled nervously. “This is going to be awesome.”
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I thought I deserved to give you guys another update today! Sorry about the whol four month thing but honestly I really want Diyah to have her baby! It's killing me! XD

So i got this book Shiver three months ago and it's been sitting on my book shelf collectiong dust until now. I finally picked it up and it's amazing! If you like my story you'll like this book even more! Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.


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