Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate

Twenty Three.

Now I was even more nervous because of this Rachel chick. The front door opened wide and first Julian came in. “Diyah!” He hugged me so tight I thought he would pop my stomach.
An older woman with bleached blonde hair and a leopard print dress walked in. “Diyah this is my aunt Rachel.” Aunt? I turned to Snow and he shrugged then laughed. I’m gonna beat him up.

I turned to Aunt Rachel and she hugged me lightly. “Oh my! You are beautiful.” I like Aunt Rachel. “Snow.” She turned around and gave him a death hug. You deserve that! I stuck my tongue out.
“So beautiful.” Julian turned my lips to his. “I’ve missed you so much.” He kissed me again. “I made everyone a big lunch.” Julian wrapped his arm around my waist. He seemed tense.

“Looks fantabulous!” Aunt Rachel squealed as she sat down. “We’ll be right back.” I pulled Julian by the stairs. “Okay what’s going on?” He gave me that I-don’t-know-what-you’re-talking-about look.
“Julian you’re tense.” He furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m your fiancé I need to know.” He was still silent. “I need to know.” He sighed. “The problem isn’t solved.” He had four months to solve the problem. “What happened?”

“One of the packs that declared war their alpha disappeared two weeks ago.” Alpha of one of the packs disappeared. Got it. “He might be coming after me or someone close.” I looked at him. “Why?”
“My dad killed his dad for the title of alpha.” No wonder I never liked his dad. “You need to be careful.” Couldn’t anything be normal? I kissed him. “Don’t worry. I’m a strong chickorita.” He chuckled then we went back to join the others.

In all actuality I was scared but for my baby’s life not mine. We sat through lunch eating, talking and laughing. Aunt Rachel told us some embarrassing things about Julian when he was a little kid.
I picked up our plates. “Thanks kids for the wonderful time.” I put the dishes in the sink then gave Aunt Rachel a hug. “You are a very special woman.” She tapped my nose. “Now who’s taking me home?!”

“I will.” Snow offered. “Oh yeah I know you would.” Julian sarcastically said. “Well do you want to go?” Julian turned to me. “Fine.” He unwillingly handed Snow the keys. “If I find one scratch you’re dead.”
Snow smiled. “I’ll be back.” They got to the door and Aunt Rachel turned around. “See you kiddos!” We waved as they shut the door. “I’ll help you clean up.” Julian started washing while I picked up the dishes on the table and put them in the sink.

I grabbed a towel and started drying the dishes he was washing. “Everything will be okay.” Julian was still tense. “I know it will.” I smiled. “We’ve been through a lot that’s just how life is.”
“Everything has to get bad before it can get good.” Julian finally smiled then kissed me on the cheek. “Where did I find such a perfect person like you?” I smiled. “You didn’t I was pushed into you.”

“Well then I need to thank whoever pushed you.” He turned off the water and helped me dry the rest. Before we could finish the dishes Julian froze. “Julian?” I waved my hand in front of his face.
He grabbed my hand. “Shhh.” He went upstairs and I watched him. Could it be the alpha that has gone rouge? I tip toed into the living room only to be confronted by the brute force.

Actually it was just one guy but he was the size of a mountain. Before I could scream he pulled my hair and covered my mouth with his other hand. I guess I had a knack for danger. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
Two men had a hold of Julian. “Put him there.” I’m guessing the rouge alpha ordered the other men. “Good job.” He patted the mountain’s back. “Hey gorgeous.” He held my chin.

“Julian picked a pretty one.” He smiled. “Sorry for doing this but it had to be done.” I yanked my head in the other direction. “Sassy. I like that.” He walked over to Julian. “Your father killed my father out of cold blood.” He kneeled down. “They were best friends.”
Aren’t they always? The guy pulled out a knife. “You can’t harm me with that.” Julian smirked. “This knife isn’t meant for you.” Of coarse it’s not! All eyes in the room went to me.

“Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with it.” The guy laughed. “Actually she has a lot to do with it.” I tried to pull from the mountain’s grip but he pulled back harder. “See she’s baring your legacy.” He pointed to my stomach with his knife. “And I can’t have that.”
“Bastard. Don’t you touch her.” Julian lifted one of his legs and kicked the knife out of his hand. The knife slid right by my thigh. The alpha dude punched Julian in the stomach. “Don’t be a hero.”

My hands were free. I had a plan. Grant it my plans weren’t always the best but this one was full proof. “I’m going to kill your child, her then you.” Whatever plan I did have I needed to put it in full motion.
I scanned the room. My mind acted out what I was going to do. No girl would do what I was about to do. But it’s cause I’m not a girl I’m a soon to-be-mother and wife and I had to do whatever to keep my family safe.

I went to grab the knife. “Don’t move!” The mountain shouted then pulled back my hair even more until my head ached. I’m glad I decided not to get my hair cut all of these months.
With the alpha talking up a storm it was the perfect time to do what I planned on doing. I silently picked up the razor sharp knife. I tilted my head down.
♠ ♠ ♠
So originally Rachel was going to be Diyah's rival but i decided I wanted more of Julian's family put in there thus created Aunt Rachel!

So i have strong plans on doing a sequel. Comment telling me if I should or not. :]

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3