Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


This period wasn’t going so well. People kept staring at me more than usual. They would stare then whisper to someone next to them. Fantastic! I rubbed my forehead in utter distress. Mr. Smith started the class out with the attendance. He originally was a substitute a couple months back but our teacher never came back.
“We’re having a pop quiz today!” Everybody sighed. I honestly didn’t see where pop quizzes were so bad.

The rest of the school day went pretty bad. Every time I would pass someone in the hallway they would stare then whisper. Ugh! Why me?! I exited through the big blue metal doors like I always did. I ignored the smiling Julian and just kept walking. He was the one who started all of this! I didn’t want any of it! I just wanted to get through and be done with senior year without any problems. Is that too much to ask?!

I had no ipod to hum me the music which made my walk home a little worse than I really wanted it to be. The time to get to the house took way longer than I had expected. By time I opened the front door, took my shoes off and sat down on the couch dad came walking in. “Come on honey!” He shouted.

The car ride was long and silent.

“Pick you up at 7!” I shut the door sighing. My feet ached more than usual. “Hey kiddo.” Uncle Joe said behind the counter helping a client. I waved and walked into the back where I traded my flats in for the work shoes. “There was an oil spill at area number 2 can you clean it up?” I nodded. Who else would do it? I grabbed some kind of spray that helped with oil spills and a mop. “Hey Diyah.” Julian. I didn’t want anything to do with him but honestly who could resist someone as charming as him? Answer: no one. I kept walking over to the spill. This is a mess! It was way bigger than I thought and it would take the entire bottle of spray.

“Hey are you done yet?” I’m guessing it was the guy who spilled the oil. Does it look like I’m done? I stared him down until he put his hands up in the air and walked away. Yeah that’s right! You better walk away!
I was right the bottle of spray…..gone. I sighed threw the can away and watched it eat away at the oil. It was like watching paint dry except you could hear a bubbling sound. Weird. A tiny bell went off in my head and I started scrubbing the oil down with the mop. Not the best choice I’ve ever made.

“That would be better if you did use a scrub pad of some sort.” He just popped up out of nowhere scaring me half to death!
I shrieked, stumbled and fell right into his arms. Nice catch. “Watch where you’re stepping?” He chuckled. I found my footing once more. “Don’t be angry.” He chuckled again then walked away. Don’t be angry. Mleh! I’ll show you angry. I finished cleaning up the oil. The mechanic didn’t thank me he just glared. He was even lucky I cleaned it up.
I watched as one by one everyone clocked out. After last night I really didn’t like being here in the work area alone. “Hey kiddo!” Uncle Joe came walking out of the office holding a phone. “Your dad called and said he can’t make it.” I looked at him puzzled. What happened? “He says he’s sorry but your little brother is being rushed to the hospital.” Hospital?! That’s very bad!

“I’ll take you but let me close the shop first.” Julian came up in perfect timing. “I’ll take her.” He laid eyes on me. “Are you sure?” We both knew he had some things he had to do here. “Yeah my house is that way anyways.” Uncle Joe thanked him. “Come on.” I grabbed my black sweater and followed him out.
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This chapter is short, sucky and kind of a filler.

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