Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


I woke up with a massive headache. I walked downstairs yawning. “Morning.” Dad sat at the table reading the newspaper while drinking a cup of coffee. I waved, grabbed a box of cereal. “Right after work I’m heading over to the hospital.” I nodded pouring the lactose free milk in my bowl. “Is there anyway someone else can take you to work?” No. I smiled and waved my hand giving him a small nod. Dad seemed relieved. I guess I’ll just have to walk. I sat down across from dad.

He didn’t sleep at all last night. The bags under his eyes, the purple circles and the lack of emotion were showing right through him. “I’ll be leaving now.” He kissed me on the head and left. He’s definitely not okay.
I picked at the cereal not realizing what time it was. Crap! I tripped up stairs surprisingly making it to my closet in one piece. I rummaged through the loads of clothes. I picked out a navy blue and white striped cotton-jersey mini dress, a fake pearl necklace, and a pair of white flats.

Before I could make it to my bag and out the door the bell had rung. Who’s that? I debated whether I should answer it or not.
I opened the door to Katy. Katy was one of mom’s closest friends. I haven’t seen her since mom left. “Oh wow you sure have grown!” She played with my soft silky hair. “What Carol wouldn’t give to see her little girl all grown up?” Her fingers entangled in my hair. What she wouldn’t give? She left remember? I stared her down. “So you’re not talking to me?” She didn’t know did she? I shook my head trying to apologize with my gestures.

I grabbed the house keys, shut and locked the door. “Oh right you’re in high school.” She chuckled nervously. “See you around then.” I waved running out of her view. Of all the times why did Katy decide to visit now? I ran to school, making it right before the bell rung. Not that it mattered I was late anyways.
I ran through the halls slowing at every classroom door so I wasn’t caught. I barged in to Mr. Biggens class. “Get to your seat.” He let out a deep sigh and marked me on the attendant sheet. Awesome, just awesome.

Lunch Time.
I walked through the empty halls. Still thinking about Katy and why she stopped by. I do remember a couple days before mom left and Daisy died she was telling Katy about an old shoe box. Could dad still have that old shoe box?
“Hey.” My thought process was interrupted. Aiden. Just thinking his name made me shiver. “Why are you wondering the halls alone?” Because I didn’t want to run into you. I tightened the grip around my books. “Why so tense?” He took a step forward and I took one back. He went to touch my hair and I ran out the doors leading to the parking lot.

I ran all the way home, not looking back not even stopping. I quickly unlocked the door and took my first actual breath when I shut and locked it once more. Now. I slipped off my flats and put my bag on the coat rack. Where’s that shoe box? I started with Janie and dads room. Not here. I went to the spare room. Not here either. I looked in the living room, the kitchen, the bathrooms and even Bryce’s room! Not here!
I plopped down on the first step at the top of the stairs resting my chin on my palms. Where did dad put that shoe box? I ran my petite fingers through my short hair. My room! I opened the door to my room. Beast was on the floor playing with one of his catnip toys. I opened my closet, grabbed a white folded up step stool that I had stashed.

My hands ran across everything on the shelf and still nothing. Crap! I hit my hand against the wall causing something to fall in the attic. The attic! There was a square hole above the shelf. I pushed the light piece of wood back and reached my hand up there. Please don’t be a rat! Please don’t be a rat!
My fingers glided across something dusty and cardboard like. The shoebox! I pulled the shoebox down and sat on my bed. I was holding the very box mom kept all her secrets in. I took a deep breath mentally preparing myself. I didn’t know what to expect.

I blew the dust off the top and lifted the lid. I set the lid on the bed where Beast decided to examine it. I looked inside. What the?!
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I said i was updating every other day but beware I love mah soap operas and supernatural so sometimes it might be a day late. lol sorry about that


Cliffhanger!!! Haha! I'm getting my magic going! Story will be getting way more intense

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