Sequel: Fictional Memories
Status: Sequel is out! Fictional Memories! Go read it my friends! X3

The Taste Of Chocolate


I pulled dad back holding onto his shoulders. “No it’s not Bryce.” He ran his hand down my cheek. “It’s precaution.” He smiled and wrapped me in his arms once more. It wasn’t precaution. Just like mom he was hiding something. I’m getting tired of every one hiding things from me.
I pushed dad away. Stop hiding things from me! I slipped on my shoes and ran out the front door almost knocking over a cop or two. I kept running I turned right then left then left again until I came to the beginning of the forest.

Don’t do it! Don’t go in there Diyah James! My gut instinct warned me. I’m sorry. I looked back then ran into the forest. I ran passing different shapes and sizes of trees. The forest became darker and I became lost but I still didn’t look back.
I tripped and fell onto the dirty hard ground. Ow! I rolled over onto my back. The only light was the moon overhead. I’ve never realized how dark it got at night.

A horrifying howl rung through my ears, and I slammed my back into a tree trunk. I’m so stupid! The howls and growls got closer. I couldn’t even make out the two feet of land in front of me so I had no clue where they coming from.
They got so close I could feel the breathing on my arm. I swallowed my weakness and sat there on the ground holding my pride and bravery on my sleeve. To my dad, Bryce, Janie, mom, Daisy and even Julian……. Goodbye.

I deserved this right? I mean I did kill my sister and made my mom run away. No one would really miss me right? Of course not.

“Remember when she wakes up, send her right downstairs.” A familiar faint voice. “Yes.” A female voice replied. Heaven? I smelt lavender and blueberries. Nope not heaven, unless they make blueberry muffins.
I struggled opening my eyes. “Hello there.” A Spanish woman stood over me. “How are you this morning?” Her accent was thick and rich. I sat up in a bed. “The master and his father are waiting for you in the dining room.” She pulled back my covers. Master? Yup I’m dreaming.

The lady helped me up. I was weak and sore. What was this room? It was straight out of a movie. “Please follow.” After the lady put me in a pink robe we walked down stairs. We walked down a hall and there she stood waiting. “Here they are.” She opened the big sliding wooden doors.
“Ah my dear!” A rather handsome man greeted me with a smile and hug. “I am Charles Saviors Brown and this is my home.” He grabbed my hand leading me farther into the dining room. “You already know my son, Julian.” Julian!?

Julian smiled his kind godly like smile and greeted me with a gentle hug. “Are you alright?” No. I think I’m dreaming, I feel like Cinderella and I’m honestly thinking about pinching myself. I smiled and nodded. “That’s good. Please sit.” Julian pulled out a chair and he sat next to me with his father at the end.
“If it wasn’t for Julian you wouldn’t be here right now.” What? What happened? I gave Julian a questioning look. “I found you in the woods about to be killed by animals.” He growled when he said killed. Now I remember! I got mad at dad because he was hiding something and so I ran.
“Anyways we are very glad that you are alive.” I smiled as people brought in dishes of food. “Please eat as much as you like.” This was too good to be true. I looked at Julian. But on the other hand it’s Julian and his dad; with them nothing is too good to be true.

In front of me on a silver plate was a breakfast for a king. I took a bite of the perfectly cooked bacon. Wow! Best bacon I have tasted! That says a lot. “I can tell you like.” I nodded at Julian’s father. “Well that’s good; I find Elsa’s cooking quite extraordinaire two.”

“We called your father so he knows you’re here.” Julian added. Thank you. “You’re welcome.” He was getting good at reading my mind. “He said after breakfast he will be coming by.” I nodded then went back to my food. My eyes wondered all over the huge dinning room. Combine my kitchen and living room with two closets and you get their dinning room.
I felt Julian’s hand brush mine and apparently it wasn’t by accident. “You okay?” He asked even though his warm, soft hand lay on mine slowly curling his fingers into mine. I nodded. His hand felt great.

There it was! We were actually holding hands now. Our hands dangled below the table as we continued to eat with our other. Hey mom, I think I found someone and he doesn’t care that I’m a freak. I giggled and continued eating.
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Thank you so much my lovely new commenters: xXRockerBabeXx MakeCupcakesNotWar!

I'm so surprised i have made it to chapter eight. lol

Again please comment. Enjoy! X3