Status: Active

My Vampire


I sat on the balcony in my room and breathed out a heavy sigh, it was three in the morning and the clouds covered the moon. I could barely see it shinning. I pulled my knees closer to my chest as the wind blew. It was times like these I loved, the crisp air the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, I felt complete. When everything else in my life felt like to much this is what I looked forward too. Of course there was something else I looked forward to also; it came in the male form. He was tall (then again everyone was tall to me) with dark blue eyes, a really fit body but not the kind you see on guys who constantly work out at the gym, a kind smile, to put it simply he was amazing. Every time I saw him I couldn’t help but smile, my heart would stop a little then rapidly speed up.

“It’s cold out here you should have waited inside” he said startling me.

I didn’t hear him climb up my balcony.

“I’m fine I didn’t really notice,” I said a small smile creeping onto my face.

“There are goose bumps on your arms.”

“It’s fine really it is,” I said standing up, stumbling slightly because my legs were asleep.

His hands steadied me I looked up at him a small blush creeping onto my cheeks. His eyes bore into mine looking for something and unnerving me all the same. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear,

“I missed you.”

I missed you too, I said looking down.

“No don’t look away from me I like the way your eyes sparkle and the way the faint blush stains your cheek.” he reiterated in a soft voice.

I looked back at him. His lips took mine kissing me hungrily, I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me; his hands came to rest on my waist. I breathed in the scent of him, he smelled of soap and trees. I let out a little gasp as he picked me up, carried to my bed, and laid me upon it. I stared up at my ceiling and recalled the first time I met him; it was dark just like tonight.

I was walking home from work, iPod in my ears blaring Meg & Dia. I mouthed along to the song fighting for nothing completely unaware that I was being followed. I took my usual route and cut through the park. It was much faster than walking around it, it didn’t have as many street lamps, but it was okay because I had taken this way many times before and confident nothing would happen to me.

“Boy was I wrong.”

As the song was finishing I felt something press against me and a hand covered my mouth to stifle a scream that had been burbling up.

Scream and I will kill you, the man said. To make his point he pressed the object harder into my back, I felt tears prick the back of my eyes.

“Now remember when I let go no screaming.”

His hand slid from my mouth “there’s a good girl his voice purred in my ear,” as his hand rested on my breast. My body trembled; I could feel the tears coming down my face.

“Please don’t do this,” I said my voice quivering in fear.

“There there I won’t hurt you that much, he said throwing me to the ground.”

I stuck my hands out to catch my fall but my head still connected with the ground; I curled in a ball clutching my head.

“Silly girl I love it when they beg for their life, next you’re going to say I’ll do anything just don’t kill me,” he laughed and just like his voice it was cold and evil.

“Please please just don’t do this, I begged” here I was on the ground giving him exactly what he wanted.

I clamped my mouth shut and bit the inside of my cheek to stop the tears from flowing, I wasn’t about to lie down and take this. As he was bending in front of me I uncurled from the ball I was in and kicked him in the ribs. He fell down with and oof, I scrambled off the ground and ran for the exit of the park not daring to look back; when he appeared right in front of me. I let out a startled yelp and held my out hands to keep from running into him, he grabbed my wrist tightly it felt as if my bones were bring crushed.

“You’re a feisty one” he said with a laugh in his voice, the back of his hand connected with my face the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

“Let’s not let that happen again,” he said as his lips connected with mine.

I stood there motionless and clenched my teeth shut, blood slowly trickled out. That didn’t stop his tongue from reaching out to lick from where the blood had came, his fingers tangled in my hair and pulled viciously. I cried out in pain as he slipped his tongue in my mouth, pushed at his chest to get him off me, it only just made him pull my hair tighter. Finally he pulled away only to rip at my shirt. The sound of it ripping filled my ears, silent tears rolled down my cheeks as his fingers slid under my bra to fondle my breast. While his other hand slowly slid down my side only to stop at the top of my jeans.

“Please stop” I cried hoping he would just leave me alone.

“What do you want from me,” I said in a shaky voice

“Just your life,” he reiterated

My fear multiplied when I saw two long thin pointy teeth slide down from his gums. I closed my eyes as his face neared my neck. His slid his tongue over my jugular, his cold breath making shake more with fear.

“Release the girl Owen” a girl said with venom in her voice.

I chanced a look only to see a stunningly gorgeous girl standing with her hand on her hip, her red curly hair pinned back, pale skin aglow with the moonlight. You could see the fire in her green eyes.

“Sonya it’s been awhile” he said turning to face the woman clamping his hand down on my shoulder in a vice like grip.

“That’s the only warning I’m going to give you.”

You could tell she meant business they way she subtly hinted at an or else in her words.

“Or what you’re going to kill me. That’s cute but we both know you’d never do it.”

She attacked with a speed that only confirmed that they weren’t human. My body was thrown to the ground as he moved away from me; I winced in pain as I sat up. I heard the sound of grunts but couldn’t see anything. I lifted myself off the ground and sprinted out of the park and to the house I shared with a friend. I rammed my key in the lock hurrying to get off the street. Once inside I slammed the door and locked it. That didn’t make me feel any safer I slid down the door to floor and cried.

Finally I stood wiping snot on my ruined shirt; I made my way upstairs to the bathroom and turned on the water. I turned and stared at myself in the mirror, I looked horrible. I could tell by the mark on face that by morning it was going to be a bruise. I was going to have several of them. I peeled away what remained of my clothes and climbed into the tub. The water stung at the cuts that were on my body. I submerged myself under the water holding my breath for as long as I could. I came back up and slid my hands through my hair sliding it off my face. I washed my hair and body and finally stepped out of the water. Although the bath cleaned away the dirt it did nothing to ease the way I felt. I slipped on my robe and walked into my room.

I let out a startled gasp when I saw him sitting on my bed.

“Not again I thought not another guy trying to kill, rape, and possibly drink my blood?” I thought to myself.

He stood and made a move toward me I backed away and he stopped walking.

“It's okay I’m not going to hurt you” he said in a soft voice.

“Excuse me if I don’t believe you, I haven’t had the very best night. And I’m just not inclined to believe a stranger who breaks into my house.” I reiterated tiredly.

If he was going to harm me I wished he would get it over with I was done with everything I really didn’t feel like putting up with any of it any more, this was just too much insanity for one night.

“Like I said I’m not going to hurt you. I was just making sure you got home safely.”

“How did you even know where I lived?”

“I followed you home.”

“Okay well thanks I home safe you can leave know.” I said seemingly satisfied with the answer.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure.”

“Well I’ll be out here if you need me.” he said making his way to the balcony.

“You’re going to be sitting on my balcony all night.” It was a statement more than a question.


I was going to hate myself for saying this.

“There’s a couch you know if you want to like stay inside or something.

He made his way to the couch in my room and sat on it.

I grabbed some clothes from my drawer and made my way back to the bathroom and put them on. I sighed as I went back into my room and crawled in my bed facing away from the stranger.

“What are you doing?” I thought to myself.


“Yeah you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So i'm looking through and noticed he doesn't have a name mentioned in here why because i don't know what his name will be yet. We will find out in the next chapter.
i've decided too call him micheal

word count:1,701