It's Just the Beginning

Tragedy, Sweet Tragedy!

Eventually we both fall asleep next to the fire. I woke up with him next to me with a pillow under my head and a blanket over me. He too had a separate blanket and pillow. Awww, that is so nice.

He looked so sound while he slept, like new born sleeping. Again, he was so cute. I stared at him while he slept for a few minutes. After that I got up and got dressed. A few minutes after I got dressed he woke up and I walked out of my tent.

"Hey," he yawned, stretching out.

"Hey yourself, sleeping beauty. Wait wouldn't it be handsome since you're a guy?" i laughed.

"How long have you been up?"

"I've been up for a few minutes. I just finished getting dressed," i told him.

"Oh, why didn't you just wake me up?"

" 'Cause you looked so cute sleeping," i said imitating a voice that would sound like you were taking to a baby.

"AWWW, thanks," he said imitating the same voice.

We spent a few more hours there just swimming, goofing around, jumping on each other. It took a while to pack everything up. Of course it took like ten thousand years to get back to the car; not because anything was heavy, but because I kept tripping and falling. I would find every loose rock too.

YAY!!! The car i threw everything in the trunk. I'm glad that i can finally sit down and relax. Enjoy a fifty thousand hour ride home now. GREAT!!! The ride home really was fun. We talked about everything, again. IT was great.

"So, did you like my little surprise?" he asked

"Yeah, I did. Thank you!" When i told him that, he reached for my hand, then ,stopped and turned it up as if asking me if I wanted to hold his hand. Duh i wanted to hold his hand so i took it. He smiled, I smiled, everyone was smiling. We were silent for a few minutes.

"Soooooo...?" he asked.

I laughed, " I don't know."

" That don't help. What you want to talk about?"

"Umm...I don't care. Whatever."

"Ok. Well, tell me about yourself some more."

"Okay. Only if you tell me more about yourself, deal?"


"What you want to know?"

"Anything, Where you from, what schools you went to, your activities, everything!"

"OK. Well I was born in Jefferson Parish in Louisiana. I grew up in Chalmette. Um... I went to Meraux Elementary and Lacoste Elementary, then Trist Middle. Is that enough?"

"No, where did you go for high school?"

"I went to a few high schools. I wen to Chalmette High for two weeks then the hurricane hit and i moved around in Mississippi. Then Gretna, Louisiana. Then back home goin' to Chalmette High again."

"Did you play sports?"

"Geez, you are full of questions aren't you?"

He nodded.

"OK. I played volleyball I few years. After the hurricane, one of the schools I went to i played basketball. In tenth grade I started playing soccer. My eleventh grade i joined the cross country team. I did a lot of runnin' my last two years of high school: cross country, soccer, track. I still run but not as much as I did before. "

"What about college?"

"I wanted to go North Hill in North Carolina. They have the number one women's college soccer league in country. Instead my friend Ashlynn and I moved out here and goin' to college out here. You know where i work at so, what else is there to know?"

"What are your favorites? You know color, food, music," he pleaded.

"My favorite color is lime green. My room back home is black and green. I love Italian foods! Since i work at a record store, i think that might be obvious, any kind of rock. "

"Ok, i hate to tell ya, but it is your turn!" I giggled.

"OK. Fine."

We talked about his life and my life some more and we were finally home, well my home. I can't wait to collapse onto my bed.

As we walked up to the building I noticed a familiar car, a 1967 GT mustang, but anyone can have one of those.

We laughed as we climbed the stairs and came in laughing but that was abruptly broken by who was sitting in my living .


I dropped my bags and stared. That's all i could do. I think I passed out honestly. I did. I remember my eyes rolling back and me once again waking in Matt's arms.

HE was standing over me. Why was he here?!

"Nice to see you too," he said sarcastically.

"WHat are you doin' here?" i asked through gritted teeth.

"I cam to see the old love of my life!"

I hated Aaron right now. He was the he i was talking about.

Aaron Anthony Greco.

Matt interrupted our staring contest.

"Maybe I should go," Matt said sounding upset.

"No, please don't," i pleaded. "PLease go sit in my room, I'll be a minute."

Matt left th eroom, Ash leaving with him.

I turned to face Aaron. And the arguing began.

Home, Sweet Home!