It's Just the Beginning

It's about to be a boy fight!

"What is the real reason you are here?" I demanded. I couldn't believe how upset and angry I sounded. I have missed and now that he is here I'm furious.

"Come to see you, like I said before," he said. This is not fair. He is calm and mocking me.

"OH, I'm sure!"

"I am! I can't come see the love of my life!"

"Love of y our life!! WE broke up 'cause of you. YOU didn't want move out here. You could have gone to UTI like you wanted, but NO!! YOU didn't want to leave your home, it was too secure for you. Your mother always there treating you like a Mama's Boy. You are becoming just like your father. It is your fault we broke up, so don't even say that I am the love of your life!!" I roared; my English accent becoming stronger than ever.

"Don't dare blame our separation on me! You wanted to come out here for no reason. YOU left me behind. You-"

"I left you behind!" I interrupted, " I asked and pleaded with to come out here. We talked about moving out the state anyway! You said you would have to think about, even though we would always say that we would go everywhere together and be together forever! I guess was I really was foolish for believing that was true! I loved you!! I guess you didn't love me as much!!" Tears were falling from eyes by this point.

"I did love you! We were comfortable at home and you wanted to change it all!"

"Exactly! You did love me and i loved you. I got over it after what felt like forever! Now why are you here?"

"No! I still love. Amber, you know I could never stop loving you. I went through so much to get you! I didn't want you to go, but I wanted you to live your life. I didn't want to drag you down!"

"Drag me down! How many times did I tell you that you never brought me down?! You were the one good in my life that made sense and stayed constant. You were everything to me back then for about a year out here too! I dreamed every night that you would change your mind and come out here and be at my door, but you never did! I wish I could have gone down there but my college courses and my work schedule didn't allow that to happen. I miss you so much!" I was in tears completely and sobbing like crazy.

"I'm here now! " he cried. "We can go back to the way we were! Be happy again, be us again! Please!

"It...It don't work that way, Aaron. I'm sorry. I moved on. I don't think we could go back to the way we were," I wiped the tears away from my eyes and he came closer, caressing my face.

"Yes we can!" Then he kissed me.

I remembered all the times we kissed. How right it felt. How calming his kisses were. Oh how i wanted that again but then Matt popped into my mind. How nice we were and how his kisses were. How right they felt now. I pushed away from Aaron.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I...I can't Aaron. I just can't," I ran to my room and into Matt's arms.

Aaron came storming in. He hit Matt. I never saw either of them so mad. Especially Aaron since I have known him for so long. Matt hit him back, sending Aaron into the wall!

"I love her. You don't know how she is!" Aaron roared.

"I might not right now, but I know one day I will!" Matt's words infuriated Aaron. He took another swing but miss Matt. Matt rammed him into another wall.

" STOP!!!" I screamed. They looked at me in shock. "Both of you out now!!" Ash came out to see what was going on by this point. "Out!! I can't take this right now!" I pointed my finger to the door.

" I'm sorry," Matt apologized. I nodded my head and sniffled.

Aaron tried coming towards me, but I stepped back and put my head down, looking away from him. Matt also stopped him by putting his arm out in front of him.

"Aaron, just go, please," I said pleadingly.

"What about Matt here?" he questioned.

"He will be leaving in a minute, I need to talk to him," I told him, getting infuriated myself.

"Fine!" He stormed out, slamming the front door.

"I'm sorry Matt. I really am," I started crying again.

He put his arms around me, "It's ok, I promise. Do you want me to go? I will if you want me to."

"Maybe, in a little while. Can you stay for now please?"

"Of course." he said holding me closer.

We watched a movie on the tv. Well, I think he did anyway, because I fell asleep. We didn't talk about what happened this afternoon. Ash stayed in her room the rest of the day.


When we woke up in the morning, MAatt asked me to go to his band rehersal with him. I figured it would be interesting. I finally get to meet his friends.