It's Just the Beginning


I woke up with Matt standing over me. He was smiling at me.

"What?" I mumbled. I smiled back at him.

"You were talking in your sleep and you kinda' also got drool on my arm," he laughed.

"Oh," I said wiping my mouth and his arm, "sorry."

"It's OK. I thought it was funny."

Ash came trotting in. I couldn't believe she was up this early. Why was she up this early?

"What are you doing up this early?" Matt and I asked simultaneously.

"Getting a midnight snack, duh!" she said.

"But it's...," I grabbed my cell to check the time, " it's nine o'clock in the morning. It's a little late or early for that."

"No it's not. This is my usual time for it," she said proudly.

Matt and I both laughed at her. We got up lazily.

"What you want to eat?" I yawned.

"Um...," he yawned also, "bacon?"

"Okay, lets see.Bacon,bacon,bacon? Where is the bacon?" I said, mainly so myself, while tapping my feet. It was freezing in here. Why am i wearing shorts that barley cover my ass and a shirt that only goes right beneath my bellybutton.

I heard Matt snicker and I turned around, "What?"

"Nothing, you look cold?" he laughed.

"Yeah just a little. What's the temperature in here?" I went to check it, it was right by the fridge. It was 69 degrees. Whoever put it there, is crazy. I turned it up to 73; that's a lot better.

I went back to the fridge, looking for the bacon. Aaaahhaaah!! Found it!!!

"Found it," I waved.

"Aaahh,yum. Now hurry and cook it!" he said smiling.

"Excuse me! You cook it!" I laughed. He went to go grab but I drew it away from him. "I was just kiddin', sit down." He came around from the bar top and grabbed me. We played around for a minute. He grabbing me and throwing me out of the way, and me pushing him out of the way. I finally got to cook the bacon.

While we ate, it was quiet until Matt asked something.

"So, what you doin' today?" he asked.

"Nothin'. I don't have work for once and since today is saturday, I don't have classes. Why?"

"Just wondein', maybe, if you wanted to," he said while yanking a piece of bacon off with his mouth, "if you wanted to comm with me today and meet some of my friends and hear how we sound."

I was elighted that he wanted me to go, but I didn't want to be to obvious, "Yeah, that's cool."

Ash came in again, "I can't go back to slepp, because someone, " she looked at me, "had to talk to me!"

"Awww, poor baby," I said mockingly, "I am so sorry. Do you want me to rock you and sing you to sleep?"

"NO!! Your singing will keep me up!" she laughed.

I whispered to Matt, "Can she come too?"

"Yeah, if she wants," he said hesitantly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," he put his arm around my waist.

"Hey, you want to come with us to meet his freinds and hear them practice?" I asked Ash.

Her eyes lit up, "Yeah, if you don't mind?"

"He don't, I asked already."

She looked at Matt, "Thanks."

"Okay, if you want to come, you have to go get dresses now," he told her.

"Uhhh... Can I meet ya'll there?"

"Yeah, that's fine," he said.

"Thanks. It will take me a long time to get ready."

I laughed because I knew how much that is true, "Okay." I turned to Matt. "Let me go get dress. I'll be right back."

"Hmph. She will be a while," Ash snickered.

It took me while to pick something out. I wanted to look nice for his friends but also not preppy. This is too hard. Okay jeans! Blue jeans, what kind of blue jens? Faded ones, definately faded ones. Rips or no rips? Little rips, ok. I have pants! Now shirts? What color? Red or black? Rad and balck! This is getting easier! Belt? Ok black belt with metal skulls and pyramids. That was the easiest decision so for, phew! Shoes!! This is a tough one. Okay, converse, flats, boots, regular tennis shoes? I'll got with converse. Ok. I came out with a black and red Ozzy Osbourne shirt, sort of tight fit, a pair of loose jeans, but not too loose, and black converse and red lining. This looks good.

Now, make up! That's easy, black eyeliner, no powder, no nothing else. Hair? I'll keep like this but brush it and straighten my bangs. This was hard.

I finally came out. Matt was sitting on my couch tapping his foot. He had already changed.

"You know, in gay communities, you would be asking for sex right now?" That got his attention.


"Tapping your foot like that, it's way of asking for sex," I laughed.

"Oh," he looked embarassed. "Won't be doing that again." I laughed.

We left in his car around ten thirty.

"So where we going exactly?" I asked.

"A studio," he gave.

"Where at?"

"On the Boulevard."


"Yeah," he laughed.

"Okay," I layed my head on his arm. I hope this was okay with him. Matt gave me yes when he kissed my head.

"We're here!" he said after twenty minutes.

"OK," I said feeling a little nervous.

"It'll be fine. Don't be nervous."

"I'm not nervous," I said giving him an of course not look, "What makes you think that? Psh." He gave a me a look like 'Okay, yeah you are so not nervous, let me tell ya'.' I gave in, "Is that obvious?"

"Ooohhh, yeah," he laughed bringing me closer to him and giving me a hug.

"Ok, all better. I'm not nervous anymore," i laughed.



We walked into the building. It was cute: small yet big. It was smaller than the other buildings on the boulevard. It had two stories; the top was the studio. I climbed up the stairs and entered the second door on the left. His friends were standing over the control panel, listening to a guitar solo apparently. When we entered, everyone turned around.

On of them, in a hat, gawked at me. Matt went up to him.

"Hey Brian, that sounds great," Matt followed his gaze to me, "What you staring at?"

He signaled him to turn around so he could whisper something in his ear. Matt turned to look at me and said, "No, couldn't be."

"Couldn't be what?" i asked curiously.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it bay," he said turning around again as "Brian" told him something else.

This looks really bad and all I said was three words.