It's Just the Beginning


This can't be good. Here I am standing like an idiot for the past five minutes. What are they talking about. I wish they would stop looking at me like that.

I heard a mild whisper from Matt, "Dude, I am tellin' ya that wasn't her. He friend would have recognized me anyway."

"Matt, I'm telling you that she is her. So what if the friend don't recognize you, maybe she wasn't there or off somewhere else. Matt, dude, I'm dead serious, that is her. " All of his friends looked at me again.

What are they talking about? What her am I? Why don't that just ask me? Guys are so stupid.

One of his lanky friends got up nodded to me and muttered, "Why don't either one of you just ask her?!"

They went to open their mouths but closed then and nodded in agreement.

"Baby... Amber?" both of them started, well "Bri" didn't call me baby, Matt did. "Have you been to Perqs within the last few weeks?" Mat finished.

"Um..." I tried to remember, then it hit me. I scrambled my brain fro what Ash had said. I was all over a guy there. Matt was that guy I bet. I took a deep breath and regrettably said, "Yeah."

Brian shouted, "Told ya!"

"Um... Am i that her y'all were talkin' about a minute ago. I think I might be," I never thought that Matt would, that I would. I was so messed up that I know. Matt sighed. "Sorry, I just thought of that when y'all asked. I never thought Ash was right. I thought she was jokin' even though a vaguely remember that. I had no idea."

"That would be why you looked so familiar at the record store," Matt whispered, mainly to himself.

"Yeah, I thought so too," I mumbled.

The lanky one asked, "Does your friend have green bangs?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Yeah, she does." At least I'm that the only little whore today!

"Amber, I'm sorry. I was messed up to the extreme that night. A friend and I had gotten in a fight that night and I just wanted to forget about and get wasted. And i didn't intend for..." he trailed off.

"It's OK. I was stressed from college and everything. I needed to forget everything too. Hey look at us now, we're happy. We can just forget about it."

"Why don't Ash recognize from that night?"

"I'm guessin' she was busy with your friend over there," I pointed to the lanky one.

Matt laughed and whispered in my ear, "I though she would have gone after someone better."

I laughed, "Me too, no offense."

My phone started ringing. It was Ash. "I have to take this," I mouthed. Matt nodded his head.

Ash wanted to know directions to the studio. "Okay, got it? Oh when you get here I have a surprise for you?"

She made a noise, that I think was excitement, and hung up. She was here five minutes later an out of breath. Wheezing she entered the room. I couldn't help but laugh.

I told her everything that I found out.

"No way!!"

"Yes way!!"

"Amber, he...he aaahhh! SO which one was I all over, please tell me it was him," pointing to Brian. That's funny.

"No, the lanky one," I pointed to him.

She made a face, "Ew. If I ever choose anyone that ew again hit me."

I laughed, "OK."

I asked Matt his name, it was James but he was called Jimmy.

Jimmy tried walking towards Ash, "What's up?"

She pushed past him and went for Brian. That's classic Ash.

Jimmy frowned.

She must have been drunk to be all over him. Brain seemed somewhat into Ash actually. Of course she was laughing an obnoxious laugh. Matt and I shared in a silent laugh at her.

He took me aside.

"I really am sorry for that night. I shouldn't have been like that," he said sadly.

I took his face in my hand, "It's OK. Now that I know who it was, I'm glad it was you. I thought Ash was just joking with me. "

" That is one good thing, that it was you.'

"Yeah, you OK?"

"Yeah," he kissed me.

"Poor Jimmy, huh?" I laughed, after the kiss.

"Yeah that is funny though."

"Yeah, now s he is going after Brian, great!"

"Yeah, I see, poor Ash," ha said.

"Poor Ash? Poor Brian, trust me!"

" I don't know, bet?"

"Oh yeah. What we bettin' on?"

He laughed, " Nothing, I was just kiddin'."

"Oh OK," I said has he wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the group.