It's Just the Beginning

Lunch Anyone

As we walked to the group, my stomach growled.

"Geez," Matt laughed, "hungry already?"

I laughed too, "I guess so."

He clapped his hands together, getting everyone's attention and asked, "So where we eating lunch at today?"

"I don't know, but I'm hungry," one of Matt's friends said rubbing his stomach, finding out later that his name was Johnny.

"Yeah me too," said Jimmy.

"Well, decide where you guys want to go," Matt commanded.

"Let's try to get one song today before you go for lunch," said a stranger, walking into the room.

"Hey Mike," they all said.

"Who are these two lovely ladies?" he asked nodding to Ash and I.

Before I could answer, Matt said, "Amber and her friend Ash." Ash was too busy drooling over Brian to notice.

I smiled at him, a weak one but a smile it was. I sat down and listened as they recorded. Matt was the lead vocals, he sounded astonishing. Brian was guitar; he was awesome. Johnny was bass. Jimmy played the drums. The last one I didn't know was rhythm guitar.

"Soooooo?" I asked Ash.


"Um.. I wasn't the only one fooling around that night at the club," I smiled.

"So," she said quietly.

"At least my guy was cute!" I gloated.

"Shut up."


"He is so so so so so cute!"

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the guys singing. After like the fiftieth redo, they took a lunch break.

"Where we eating?" asked Matt as he sat down, putting his arm around me.

"I don't care,"I said.

Brian butted in, "Rombi's?"

"That place is awesome!!" someone blurted out.

"Rombi's it is," Matt said.

Matt and I climbed into his car; Ash climbed herself in Brian's(unasked), and the other three in Jimmy's. Mike was on his own.

Rombi's was a nice restaurant.. The ride took a little while because we were on the other side of the city.

"What?" I asked Matt. He was staring at me the entire time.

"Nothing," he said bewildered.

"Then why are you staring at me like that," I laughed.

"I can't look at you," he said as he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I guess," I shrugged. He laughed at the face I made.

"Ever ate at Rombi's before?"

"Once, when Ash and I first moved here."

"You liked it?"

"Yeah." I leaned my head to my hand, which I had against the window. The coldness of the window felt delightful against my skin. The cold sensation eased my head. I was opposite of most people; many prefer hot rags or anything hot; however, I have to have something cold.

"You all right?" Matt asked with concern.

" Yeah, I just have a headache."

"Maybe you just have to eat a little something, hmm?"

"Yeah, I guess."

He put up the middle compartment and reached around my shoulders to pull me in closer, so I can rest my head on his shoulders. I nuzzled my head in between his underarm area and chest (the only fatty area he had). I was comfortable, and just then, we pulled into Rombi's parking lot. I did not feel like stepping out of the car into the bright ass sun, but I did.

I'm glad that Rombi's had a dark atmosphere. I took off my sun classes as a waitress came up to ask the number of the party. We satdown in a booth towards the back. Ash snuggled up to Brian, who made a "help me" face towards Matt. We both luaghed. Ash, oblivious to the fact that Brian wanted space, was drooling over him. Literally, she really was drooling on him; it was quite disturbing. I just laid my haid on Matt's shoulder until the waitress came to ask for drinks.

"Water," I said lightly. Everyone else had gotten a soft drink. I didn't have ibuprofen on me, so I asked Ashlyn if she had any; and, of course, she left her purse home.

Matt ordered an appetizer, and it arrived quite quickly. Jimmy was the first to dive in on it. He and I were about to have a wrestling match over the cheese fries. I grabbed a plate and squeezed some ketch up onto it. I grabbed a few cheese fries and dumped them in the ketchup. Yummy.

I glanced at Ashlynn; I could tell she wanted soem chees fries but didn't want to look away from Brian. She decided to go with the cheese fries. No way she can pass up food. She looked back up at Brian with ketchup coming out the corner of her mouth. I couldn't help it, but i snorted. Everyone looked at me. Then, they started to life at me, not with me.

"Sorry," I said through giggles. "Ash you have a ketchup line," pointed out still laughing.

She looked furious and hilarious at the same time. "Thanks," she said coldly.

Everyone started to luagh at her as she wiped away the ketchup. I felt sort of awful, but it was too funny looking. I looked up at Matt to find him looking at me, laughing.

"You're adorable," he whsipered in my ear.

"You're not so bad yourself," I quipped.

The waitress came back for orders. Matt and I both got the lasagna. Ash got the same thing as Brian: eggplant permesean. Ashlynn hates eggplant. She barely looks away from his face, except when the dinner comes. Her face goes blank with the realization that she had ordered eggplant.

"The eggplant looks yummy, Ash," I mock.

"Yeah, delicious," she gulps. "That lasagna looks amazing."

"It is," I say taking a bite of it.

"Can I try?" She gives me the most pleading eyes.

"That eggplant looks really good, so how about we just switch?" I offer.

"You sure?"


We switch. When everyone is engrossed in their food, she mouths: 'thank you.' I just shake my head and laugh silently. In reality, the eggplant is really good.

I pay for Ash when the check comes, and Matt pays for me. Everyone else is on there own. We go to a nearby ice cream parlor for dessert. Even though she hates almonds, Ash gets rocky road just like Brain just to look compatible. She tries to talk to him but fails. Matt and I, wanting to be alone, get ours to go. For once we go back to his place, not mine.