It's Just the Beginning

Leave Me Alone

He left me spellbound as he walked away. I heard a distant voice. I'm not exactly sure who it was oming from until I got a violent shove that sent me flying into a pile of records. Who shoved me?

"Hell-ooo!!! Earth to Amber."

Hmmm. I should have known. It was Ashlynn, who else?

"What!?" I half screamed at her.

"Who was that ? Looks like you got over that cutie yesterday quite quickly. "

"That was the cutie from yesterday."


"Yeah. Why did you push me?" I looked at her with confusion and brushed myself off. God! This store is dusty. I sneezed.

"God bless you. So what's his name?" She asked with pure curiosity.

"His name is Matt."


"And what?"

"What else did you find out about him?"

I shrugged my shoulders casually. "Nothing."

"Oh come one you had to find something else out."

"Hm, no sorry."

She walked off steaming at the fact that didn't have enough details for her. Sometimes she is just a lttle nosey. Wow! This day went by fast. It's already five o' clock. I have an hour left in this hell-hole.

Most of he costumers were gone for the day. I wonder why today got suddenly busy. He didn't get anything today. Did he come here just to find out my name? Oh, two minutes left, hey! Two minutes left, hey! Again wow, I'm a goob.

We closed and left for home. Finally some peace, at least that's what I thought I would get. As soon as we sat in the car, Ashlynn exploded with questions. I looked at her with annoyance most of the way home. She wouldn't shut up. After the failure with questions, she went on to stories of the day. I would do the occasional "hmm-mm", "uh", and "oh"s. That satisfied her on the way home, but as soon as we walked in our loft, she went off with her questions again. I knew my glaring wouldn't stop her, so instead I headed for the bathroom, turned on the radio, and took a long, much needed, hot shower.

She was waiting for me when I came out. She glared as I walked across the hall to my bedroom. I was not going to talk to her while in my towel. I took forever to get ready. I combed trough my hair slowly and made sure I got all the knots out. I got dressed. I toweled dried my hair for as long as I can until I had to blow dry it. I took ten extra minutes than needed to blow dry my hair, just to make sure it was dry. I straightened it, again I took extra time than necessary to do it. I went through my closet what seemed liked a million times to pick out what I wanted to wear tomorrow.

I peeked out my door, and she was still there, sitting on the couch with her arms folded and fingers tapping on her arm. I needed to face the music sooner or later; I preferred later, she preferred sooner. If I procrastinated the event, would be a lot worse so I guess I'll do it now. I walked shyly in the living room. She just looked at me.

"That was so rude!" She shouted.

I shrugged my like I didn't know what she was talking about and casually said, "What?"

"You walked off on me while I was talking to you. Asking you the most vital questions. That's what."

"Oh yeah like 'Is he nice?' 'Does he have a nice ass?' are really vital questions."


"They are not. I don't know him to know what he is about."

"Fine! Whatever!!"

"Leave me ALONE!!"

She looked at me in astonishment. She looked at me with shere sincerity and I couldn't help but not be mad at her.

"I'm sorry," I admitted first.

"So am I, I shouldn't butt into your business like that."

"It's ok. I shouldn't be that snappy."

"Okay, I agree."

We laughed and hugged. We were both starving from skipping lunch. We ordered take out. I got a couple of egg rolls and Ashlynn, I don’t know it looked gross and ricey, if that's a word.

We went to sleep not too much longer after we ate; we had to open and close again.


Beep. Snooze.

Ten minutes later

Beep. Snooze.

Another ten minutes pass

Beep. Snooze.


No way is Ashlynn up before I am. No. No. No. I feel tugging at the bottm of my sheets. Nooooo! I don't wanna get up.

"I want to sleep. Leave me alone," I barely grumbled out.

"You sound like me. Now get up!"

"Why are you doing this to me?" I whined.

"Because all the times you have done it to me."


"Just get your lazy self up. OK"


I got up slowly. I did everything slow this morning. I wasn't feeling exceptionaly good this morning. I think it was the Chinese.

"You hate me don't you?" I asked as I walked in the kitchen.

"What makes you say that?

"Because you were up first, something you never do. And you woke me up this morning. Infact, that was the second time this week. You must really hate me."

"I don't hate you, I love you!" She beamed

"You know last night's fight, was really pointless. That's why you hate me!"

She laughed. "I don't hate you. And it was pointless and we got into it a little to fast. I think we were both PMSing."

I had to laugh at that. "I think you're right 'cause i don't feel good right now, and it feels like I'm on it."

"Well that sucks."

"Thanks for the support Ash."

"You want some Pamprin or something?"

"I got some," I said grabbing a chair and leaning over, holding my stomach.

"Maybe you should stay home today."

Right when she said that I threw up. The sight and smell of it made me gag and throw up again.

"I'm not cleaning that."

"Again thanks for the help, Ash."

She left in a rush and left me to clean up the mess. I brough a bucket with me because I knew I would blow chunks again all over the floor if I didn't. I threw up eight times before it was clean and germ free. I took a shower and cleaned up.

I returned to my pajamas which consisted of cut pair of sweat pants that were made into capri's and an old Metellica t-shirt. I fell asleep as soon as I cralwed in to bed.

The phone rang a couple of times. It was Ashlynn making sure if I was feeling better. I fell asleep two seconds later after each phone call.

This time I heard knocking. At first I thought I was dreaming, but the annoyance of it wouldn't cease. I thought Ash had forgotten her key and was banging on the door, but then I realized it was only one thirty-one. Again, like this morning, I slowly crawled out of bed. I somehow led myself, half asleep, to the door. I gasped in shock at who it was but the full impact didn't ble wme away. I though I was going to throw chunks again.

"Hey, you don't look so good."

It was Matt. What was he doing here? Where did he know where I lived. Oh my God, he's a stalker!!

"Your friend, Ashlynn, told me you weren't feeling well and told me to stop by. She gave me the address. "

Phew. He wasn't a stalker after all. All I could do was stare at him. I think at some point a started drooling because he said something thaht brought me back to reality.

"May I come in?"

"What? Oh yeah, yeah. Sorry, it must be the fever."

"It's ok. I guess being blonde and sick doesn't mix."

He's making jokes at my expense while I'm sick. That's nice. For some reason I found myself laughing. I'm going to kill Ash when she gets home, unless Matt is still here. I don?t need witnesses. Why can't people leave me alone while I'm sick? Not that I dont mind him being here, but I'm sick and look horrible.