It's Just the Beginning

That Night

After the kissing stopped, we just sat there looking at the sky, the water, the dimly lit stars; it was amazing. There was no pressure with him. We just laid there in each other's arms. It was relaxing. Then I heard his stomach rumble and started laughing.

"I think someone is getting hungry," I teased.

"Yeah, I am. How about you?"

"No, not really."

"Well, too bad. You're eating."

"Uh!" I smiled though. "What you got?" I asked, jumping up.


I gave him an aggrevated look. "Ha ha, not funny. What kind of food?"

"Good food."

I gave him another look.

"Okay, okay. I got grilled chicken po-boys, barbecue potato chips, any type of drink you want, cookies. Anything you could want."


"Well, okay, not anything, but foods I guessed you liked."


"So, are you goin' to eat now?"

"Yeah i guess so, since you spent so much at Shorty's buyin' all this stuff."

"Oh, thanks."

"You welcome," i giggled.

We sat there quielty while we ate.

The food was good; well food is always good from Shorty's. The grilled chicken po-boy was just how i liek it: ketchup only. He knew exactly how i liked my food; he must have asked Ash. I hope he did anyway, if not scary!

After we finished eating, we sat there a few minutes in total, uncomfortable silence. We just looked at each other. he smiled.

"What?" I asked.


"Then why that look?"

"I can't look at you?"

"No," i turned my head with that response. He laughed and grabbed my chin to turn my face. He looked me into my eyes adn leaned in for a subtle kiss. It may have lasted for only five seconds, but it was perfect.

He pulled away gently with a smile on his face. "You wanna go swimmin now?"

"Sure," i said somewhat out f breath.

"Well, go change then," he said hitting my butt as I got up.

"You go change!"

"I'm already in my suit, incase you haven't noticed."

"Nope. I haven't."

I changed into my black and red skulled bikini with a pair of board shorts. When i came back from changing, he was gone.


Suddenly an arm came around my waist and swung me around. I elbowed who ever it was in the stomach, moved his arm from around me, and went to go to punch my attacker, then realized it was Matt. I stooped two inches in front of his face before my fist made contact with his jaw.

"Damn! You got good reflexes," he said, kind of bent backwards still, avoiding my swinging fist.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to, you just scared me."

"It's ok. I'm glad you didn't actually hit me," he said pointing to my fist, which as now at my side " You elbow hard, I hate to see what you feel like when you punch."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Well just don't that again, and you won't find out," i said sarcastically, with a huge smile, getting in his face. He grabbed and swung me again. I give him a quick kis on his lips and hopped out of his arms and ran for the water.