Taste of Blood & Ashes

The Kingdom

I was in the black cage like carriage, with bunch of other teen girls and guys. I stayed in the corner, they all look scaried. The road was very bumpy, and rough. The carriage suddenly stop at a halt. And we was yank slightly forward. I tumbled,
″Everyone Out!~ a deep voice hollered as the double doors open, everyone rushed out, that they pushed me out too.
″Okay, every lady to the right in a single file line.~ The cut guard said, ″and every young men to the left in a single file line also.~
They rushed into their line, I end up at the middle behind a red head and ahead a brunette. ″Follow me, ladys~ a women in all pink, and D sized breast.
″Guys follow me.~ the cut guy said.
The both line seperated enter a door on their side. The door sequeched and we walked in. The room was big, it had bunch of supplies.
″This is the maids, cooks, and gardeners supplies closet.~ the women said standing in front of us.
″Okay, there is 30 of you`ll here.~ the women said, ″each of the three jobs get 10 girls okay...and you can't change your job once you pick.~
The girls start to complain,
″Pipe down!~ she hollered, ″Every one who went the job maid you sign the red color paper with your full name.~ she began, ″Everyone who wants to be a garderner sign the green paper, and cook sign the blue paper. They are all post to the wall behind me.~
Everyone nod, or said ″Yea ma`am.~
″Go ahead.~ she said moving to the side, the group of girls rushed, trying to get the job that the perfer or was good at. I was bad at everything, but I want in the maid line. People kept pushing or get in front of me.
When I finally got the ink pen, a girl snatch it.
″hey!~ I yelled, ″It's my turn!~
″So?~ the blonde girl said showing her crocket teeth.
I hit her with my fist hard, knocking her to the ground. I snatch the pen, ″Bitch.~ I snorted.
I sign my name I was number seven, I through the pen on the ground so it was fair who was next and they pouce on it like wild tigers. I back off.