Taste of Blood & Ashes

Info: part two

-t to do, each worker get there own horse to ride to the castle or you can ride in one of the carriage that goes the route everyday in a group. You assign where to sleep, you can eat anytime in the buffet room at the bottom. If you do go then you get a special treat the next day.~
I nod,
″This is this group hall, four people each room.~
″Sign your full name of the room you choose.~
I picked the last room, three other girls I didn't know. Two was a brunette, and the other had rainbow colored hair.
″Can I take the botton half?~ the rainbow color hair girl said apporching the bunk bed, I lyed on. I was on the top with my baggage.
I shrug, ″Sure.~
″Thank you.~ she said dropping her baggage on the bottom bunk of the bed I was on.
″No thanks, require.~ I said turnning over.
I fell asleep shortly after, I was extremely tired. I fell into a deep sleep, the next morning I was awaken by a bucket full of ice cold water. I fell off the top bunk that hurt,
″What gives!~ I hollered as I stood up, the water made it blurry to see so I sqint my eyes.
It was the rainbow girl,
″I apoligize deeply, but we are just bloody late.~ she said in a state of panic.
″Really.~ I whip my eyes.
″The carriages`left us and most who work today is gone.~ she began, ″and heres your assignment.~ she hand over a black letter.
I took it, when I open it it had white ink written on it.

I read:
Dear Floural,
your assignment is to clean up the kitchen after the chefs cook lunch, clean all the guest botton level bathrooms and clear the table for dinner. If you do a good report from the royal command then you`ll get one free day to relax and get pay a hundred silver coins for a shop out the town or can be sent to your beloved.
-Love`d Jassel

″A hundred...~ I muttered, ″Thats alot.~
″My choir is to clean the 2nd court yard, but I was busy trying to get you up, I don`t want you to get in trouble.~
″Thanks.~ I smiled, we got dressed in our maid uniform...Tgey was a mini maid dress.