

My legs stratch across the bed, I could feel a soft fluffy thing rub against my face. I push the thing off the bed, when It made a noise when it fell I shuffle. But I then I felt it jump back up, the thing now sat on my face. I open my eyes, I sat up making it fall. I turn, there was my cat on the bed. He was licking its legs, I rubbed its head. I got up, I walk into the bathroom attach to my room. I walk to the shower, I turn the handle to hot. I start to undress, I stop when I hard my bedroom door close. I walkout the bathroom in my bra and jean short. There Alik was leaning against my bedroom door. ″Linnéa, babe.~ he said , his Russian accent tickled my ear. He didn`t have a thick accent but you could hear it. He smile, letting his teeth show. He had a great smile, it always melts my heart to see it espically since I hadn`t seen it in a while.
″Why`re you here?~ I ask.
″I can`t just come just to see you?~ he said walking closer.
I shrugged, I let him wrap his arms around my small waist. He start to kiss my neck but I push him back softly.
″What?~ he said.
″I have to take a shower than go to gmynastic practice. You know that.~ I said, backing into the bathroom.
″Can I join you?~ He said approaching.
He back me against the glass door of the shower. He put one arm on the glass blocking me from going right. He began to peal off the rest ofmy clothing with one hand. Ad I began to peal off his clothes. When we was completely naked he picked me up and I wrap my legs around his hips. We lok lips and we didn`t break for a while and when we did he slide open the glass door. An we both stumbled in, we start making out. An let the hot water run on our body. He insert his penis in my anal, and start to move it back and forth. I could feel my cherry pop, he lean in and whispered ″That feels good.~ he grunted. I moan in pain and pleasure, ″It hurts, can you be gentle?~ I ask, ″Sure.~ he said rubbing each other body against each other. And he did, I felt nice.