
The gift

I walk to my dresser next to my bed, I pull open the bottom drawer out then I took out my poka dots bra and panties. I slide my panties on, then my bra. I turn my back to the mirror on the dresser. I glace at the side of my eyes, I hook on my bra, I close the dresser drawer with my feet. I then open my top drawer and took out my swim team shirt. It read,
″The dolphins~ in black letters in the deep ocean. And on the back it read: ″Girls summer swim team coach by: Jinx Milbrug and sponsor by: Vitamin Water and Publix~
Then Open the middle drawer, I pull out my jeans. I put it on, zipped it up and then button it. I close both of the dresser drawers. I then walk over to my shoes hanger, and took my black flip flops. I drop it on the floor. Then I put my feet in them. I walk to my night stand, I grab my blow dryer. I plug it in next to my china table, covered in perfumes and make up on it. That my mom bought me but I never used, I grab the black brush that was on top of my black comb. I turn the switch up to high, and start to dry it. After awhile then I flick it on the middle to off, I then took my hand mirror and start to brush my hair. Not to much but enough to have it down, Instead of fluffy. My hair always gets fluffy after a shower. I then put my brush and mirror down on my china table. I walk to my bedroom door I unlock it and open it, I sigh. I walk out, I walk down the stairs looking at all the decorations on the stairs railing. I walk into the dining room, where my mom was decorating it like an adult dinner party. Whine was on the table with glass plates, enough for a bunch of people. 'She never had a party before.'
″Why aren`t you in your dress I bought you?~
″Because no ones coming.~ I said.
″I didn't invite anyone.~
″Why? It`s your seventh-teen birthday.~
I shrugged, ″Well, your dad and cousins are coming for dinner after your party, should I invite them sooner since your not having your pool party.~ She asks.
″No, and can I get one of my gift early?~
~Yeah.~ she handed me a small wrapped gift.