‹ Prequel: Help Me, Save Me
Status: It's baaaaaack!!

Sweet Child O' Mine

Scars Are Left Behind, But Some Too Deep To Feel


“Geez, what’s up with your family today?” Jagger asked, his brown eyes staring confused into mine, his fingers intertwined with my sister’s. I shrugged as my eyes squinted to adjust to the bright, blinding sun. It was sure bright and gorgeous out for being December. Bright green grass, clear blue skies, and not a single ounce of snow on the ground. Plus, it felt good walking down a sidewalk in bright white tank top with the hot, 75 degree sun beating down on me. Gotta love Cali.

“I don’t know. They’ve been getting this way every single December 28th for as long as I’ve known. Especially my parents,” I explained to him. Rose turned her head towards mine. Her hazel eyes looked into my deep green eyes. Her eyes said to me, you know what’s wrong with this day. The gears in my brain finally started turning and I remembered why this day was a total bomb for my family. I can’t believe I’ve never told little Jagger!

“Some years ago, when Rose and I were babies, my dad’s little sister and best friend both died today; around the same time too. The guys usually camp at our house for a few days…” I trailed off and my twin’s high pitch voice continued by saying, “It’s actually really cool to hear all their stories they tell, especially about Jimmy. But dad’s sister, Casey seemed like a sweet girl. I really wished I could’ve met those two…” Rose’s eyes dropped to the ground as everything came to a stand-still. A slight breeze blew through the air as everything went silent. We were all in deep thought, but I know the three of us were thinking the same thing….What if those two were alive?

My brain searched for memories of stories that my dad and the guys told me. Every single guy had great stories about Jimmy. The next story was always better and a lot different from the last one. Jimmy stories always made me smile and laugh. Instead of princess bedtime stories, I got Jimmy stories before bed when I was little. And truly, they were better than any preppy, spoiled princess story because Jimmy stories were always true.

Casey stories were different. Her stories were more serious than funny. Don’t get me wrong, there were pretty funny Casey stories, but the tone of most stories wasn’t. From those stories, I’ve learn that my aunt was an alcoholic and no one thought she was going to beat her disease. Well, they were right. Uncle Zacky told me that Casey was killed in a car accident because she was driving under the influence. How could she been so stupid?

Of course, all the guys had good Casey stories…but the best stories came from Zacky. Whenever he spoke about Casey, he made her seem like the best person in the world. The way he described her, it was unlike any other story I’ve ever heard. I wonder how he would know all these things about her.

My mind began to wander from one topic to another. I began thinking about my amazing uncle Zacky. A grin stretched across my face as Zacky’s face came to my mind. I love my uncle Zacky. Well, technically he isn’t my uncle, but I love him as if he was my uncle. In fact, I think him as a second father. He’s been there for me ever since I was born. He’s just so cool. And for some reason, he reminds me of well….me. I don’t know why.

“Hm, maybe I get you girls home to your family. This is one day you should spend them,” Jake softly said as he squeezed Rose’s hand. Her hazel’s eyes slightly wet glanced up at him and nodded in agreement. We slowly turned our bodies and began walking back to our house. I already could feel the sad vibe coming off of my sister, and I knew my house wasn’t going to be much better.


I slowly watched my bleach blond haired daughter walk out the door with her black-purple haired “sister” and white-black haired best friend Jake. I frowned as I turned away from the door, unable to keep facing the lie. Happy fucking birthday Zackie.

I watched the smiling Johnny walk into the kitchen. The pain is just becoming too much to bear anymore. I got up and followed him into the kitchen. Better now than never.

I saw Johnny in his fridge, probably getting a beer. I took a deep breath and forcefully told Johnny, “I want my daughter back.” It wasn’t a question, it was a command. For thirteen years, I’ve wanted my Zackie back, but thanks to Johnny and his threats, I haven’t been able to gain to courage to tell him.

He turned back to me, a beer in hand, his eyes and mouth smiling. But of course it wasn’t a cheerful smile. No, it was a smartass, I’m-gonna-crush-your-heart smile. I frowned a bit but I tried to stay strong. I wasn’t going to let Zackie slip away from me again.

“Zack, why do you even bother continue doing this? You know you’ll never get Hayley back,” Johnny said to me, the smile not leaving his face. “She deserves to be with her birth dad! Casey would want Zackie in my arms!” I yelled. Johnny was now getting pissed. The stupid smile from his face disappeared as the grip around his beer bottle tightened. His hazel eyes burned with anger like a raging fire.

“Have you forgotten what today is? Today may be “Zackie’s” birthday but it’s also the day of Jimmy’s and Casey’s death! And every single year on this day, I’m reminded of why my little sister isn’t with me right now. It’s because of you…” He spat with major disgust in his voice. I cringed at the thought of that fatal day. The day that Casey slipped away from me, all because of a drunken mistake.

“You think that I’m going to hand over Casey’s daughter over to the man who killed her? Hayley is happy the way she is. Do you really want to ruin her life by telling her the truth just so you can be happy? You’re a selfish bastard then…” Johnny’s words stung. I wish I tell myself that he was lying. But I couldn’t. Casey was dead because of me. And Hayley was happy with her life right now. Would I be a selfish bastard by telling Hayley the truth?

I wanted to fend for myself, but I just stood there like a speechless loser. Johnny shoved past me, his eyes glaring at me. I lost to him again. He took Zackie away from me again.

I heard the front door open and I heard Rose’s and Hayley’s voices ring out “Dad?” I wanted to move to greet the two but my feet wouldn’t move. I stood there like a sad statue. No matter how much I want Zackie back, I would never get my daughter back. A tear formed in the pit of my eye.

My cell phone began to go off. I slowly reached down into my jean pocket to pull out the cell phone. Without even looking at it, I answered it.

“Hey bro,” a familiar voice on the other end called. Oh kill me now.

“Matt what do you want?” I asked, trying to get him off the line as soon as possible. I had forgiven him for banging my ex-girlfriend, Gena while we were still dating, but I still hated him for doing it. I really loved Gena and he took her away from me.

I heard him sigh but he didn’t say a word. What the fuck does he want?
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Another short chapter. :/ Sorry guys. They'll get longer as the story goes on. Thanks for TwistedScars and Bubbleloveworld for commenting! Comment if you want more of the story. :)