‹ Prequel: Help Me, Save Me
Status: It's baaaaaack!!

Sweet Child O' Mine

Sh, Be Quiet You Might Piss Somebody Off


I slowly and quietly drove down the road towards my brother’s house. I didn’t even bother turning on the radio. I really felt it should just be me and my thoughts. My brother seemed really upset, and I couldn’t blame him. Hayley was such as sweet and caring girl, and Zacky so deserved to have her back. Just driving by myself quietly upset me; God knows what Zack’s going through. I totally regret about what I said about him.

Suddenly I saw a bright flash of white in the corner of my eye, and looked out to see this punk kid with black baggy pants, a red shirt, and spiked white hair walking down the street, away from me. I almost immediately recognized the kid. It was that Jake kid from Hayley’s house, probably walking home. His hands were in his pockets and he didn’t seem to notice me driving right behind him. I knew this kid was a close friend with Zackie and Rose.

I honked the horn on the SUV, trying to this kid’s attention. Not exactly sure why I wanted his attention, I kind of did it without thinking. It was definitely loud enough, and it scared us both. I think I literary saw him jump and shit his pants. Damn that horn is loud.

Jake looked back at me in the rental car and stopped walking. I pulled the car over to the curve and parked it. I saw the kid walk over to my car window, so I rolled the window down. The kid didn’t look much happier than I did, so obviously something was bugging him.

“Hey, what’s up kid?” I asked, leaning against the back of my black leather seats. He shrugged with his hands still in his pockets, but he still had that sad look on his face. “What do you want Baker?” His voice was cold and uninterested with our conversation. Obviously, this kid has no respect and could care less about our conversation.

“Well sorry, I was trying to make a conversation…” I wasn’t really in the mood to fight this kid. I guessed we were somewhat upset about the same thing, and talking wasn’t going to make it better. If honestly I wanted to get something out this kid, I would show this punk ass kid how to show some respect.

“Listen, I just want to get home, and-“ I didn’t hear the end of his sentence because an idea popped in my head. An idea that would help Zackie, him, me, and especially Zacky. But before I could even open my mouth, the kid was already walking away from me. Damn it, come back kid! I need you!

“Hey kid! Jake! Come here!” I yelled out the window, and I saw Jake stopped in his tracks. His shoulders raised and fell like he was sighing and he turned around to come back towards me.

“What do you want?” He asked me with impatient and stone cold tone. I looked into the kid’s brown eyes and I knew he was tired and upset. Poor kid.

The cold tone of his question short of stunned me that I didn’t know what to say. I was never good with words, so much to the point where I could get my ass in trouble because I couldn’t explain something right. Even though this kid was so much younger and obviously weaker than me, he sure as well was intimidating with his words and tone. God, I hate myself for being such a pussy.

“Well um…”

“Hayley is Zacky’s daughter isn’t she?” He suddenly broke my stuttering, his eyes suddenly piercing mine. My mouth dropped open with my eyes wide. How did that fucker find that out?

“How in the hell did you know?” I asked in shock, my mind still whirling. The kid shrugged like nothing happen and causally said, “I’m not fucking blind like everyone else. I recognized how alike Hayley and Zacky look. I mean, they both have green eyes, natural black hair…they’re practically the same person.”

No shit Sherlock, I thought to myself as I turned my head to the windshield. Silence came over our conversation, only to be broken by the gentle afternoon breeze. Winter in sunny Cali was so peaceful as the bright sun shined down onto the green grass.

“Why hasn’t anyone told her the truth?” Jake suddenly spoke out. I shook my head out of the thoughts I was having, and turned to him. “No one has told her because…Johnny will take her away from us all if anyone finds out,” I had trouble searching for the right words to use. Then something popped into my mind as I added, “You can’t tell her.”

“Why not?” He whined. Haven’t you been listening? I swear this fucking kid is going to drive me up a fucking wall. I gripped the steering wheel a slight bit tighter as I sighed. “Because KID, Hayley will be taken away; weren’t you listening?” I told the punk. He seemed a bit taken back, but he tried his hardest to hide it.

“Sorry, don’t get your panties in a bunch,” The punk ass said to me. I gripped the steering wheel tighter as I resisted smacking this kid upside the head.

“Just don’t tell Hayley the truth, okay kid? I got things to do anyway,” I told him angrily as I slowly rolled up the window. He glared at me through the window, and as I drove away, he flipped me off. If I wasn’t in such a hurry to get back to my brother’s house, I would have whooped that poor punk ass kid.

As his image faded in the distance, I finally decided to turn on the radio to help calm me. “Sound of Madness” by Shinedown blasted through my speakers, the drums and bass pounded in my ears. I slowly nodded my head to the song, a smirk appearing on my face; the perfect kick-ass song to calm me down. As I looked one last time in my rearview mirror to see if I could see Jake anymore, which I couldn’t, I angrily thought to myself:

That kid better not say a fucking word to Hayley or he’s dead meat.


My vision got blurred as I slowly pulled up my street. I really didn’t want to talk my brother about my shit-ass problems, but it was the only way he was ever going to leave me and my daughter alone.

I did honestly think it was okay about what Zackie said today about me knocking up Casey. It wasn’t so much that I was upset because she was mocking me, I was upset because it just made me think of Casey.

“Don’t waste your time on me, you’re already the voice inside my head…I miss you, miss you…”

Stupid fucking radio! I turned down the radio till it was mute, and then sped down my street, the wheels squealing, past my own house. I did this on purpose because I needed a drink, and I haven’t been to a bar in forever. Especially Johnny’s, my favorite bar. Hopefully that place would help me relax.

It didn’t take me long to get downtown to the bar, mostly because I was extremely thirsty for a drink. I pulled up on the side of the street, because the bar parking lot was completely full, and walked to the door. I immediately smelled the mix of cigarettes and strong alcohol when the door swung open.

“ZACKY!” The bartender, John, called from behind the bar. I made my way through the dark, crowded bar, while cracking a smile, and sat at the bar in the only empty seat.

“Dude, where have you been Zack? You haven’t been here in ages!” John yelled over the loud crowd to me. I nodded as he smiled and walked away, either to get me my usual solid Jack or to serve other costumers. That’s when I pulled a small cell phone out of my back pocket, and flipped it open. A picture of me and Hayley, five months after she was born, flashed on the screen. She was wrapped in a pink blanket, in my arms, and I was looking lovely down at her.

“Aw she’s so cute,” A high pitch voice said right next to me. I jumped and looked over to see a bright green eyed, light brown-blond highlighted girl. Her eyes were wide with surprise, and her expression showed it too. “I’m sorry for butting in, but-“

“Nah, it’s okay,” I reassured the girl, giving her a small smile with it. She seemed to relax a bit as she broke into a smile. “So is she your daughter…?” She had a loud voice, but faded out towards the end of sentence so I could answer it. “Oh, she’s my niece,” I answered her nicely. This girl seemed too innocent to be a jackass to. She barely looked like she was over twenty years old.

“How old is she? What’s her name?” She continued to rattle out the questions happily. I chuckled at her curiosity, and answer her question. “Her name is Hayley, and she is now thirteen.” Her mouth went into an ‘O’ shape as she nodded her head. Then she looked over to her beer bottle and took a sip out of it. I looked down at the bar table to see that my Jack had finally arrived. I happily took the glass of ice-cold Jack and began drinking it, the numbing, sweet liquid running down my throat.

“Sorry, I haven’t introduce myself; I’m Brandy,” The girl said to me with a smile, and sticking out her hand, “Brandy Green.” I set my Jack down and grabbed her outstretch hand to shake it. “Zacky. Zacky Baker.” While we were shaking our hands, I notice this girl had a few tattoos on her wrist. It looked like a peacock.

“So how old are you Zack?” Brandy asked me. We continued to have a great conversation, getting to know each other. And even though we just met, we were acting like we were old friends. We had a bunch of common interests, including music and tattoos. She said she really loved all my tattoos. What I also found out about her is that she is a 36 year old, recently divorced girl that loves singing. She is spunky, not-shy, and sweet, and the best part about this all is that it didn’t take me long to get her number. I really wasn’t looking for a date, or a one night stand, just a really sweet friend. And I think I found one.

“Zack! What the fuck? I was looking everywhere for you!” I heard a loud voice yell across the bar from the door at me. Brandy and I both turned around at the same time to see my brother storming towards me. And he looked pissed!

“Sorry Matt, I just want a drink of Jack, and I ended up meeting this lovely lady,” I sarcastically apologized to Matt as I motioned towards Brandy. I saw her face light up in a bright red blush. Even at my time and age, Zacky Vengeance still has his ladies-man charm.

“Yeah well, it looks like you’ve had enough. Let’s go!” Matt yelled at me. I didn’t have that much to drink…didn’t I? I turned in my bar stool, back to the bar, and looked at the empty Jack glasses. Five empty glasses. Damn.

Before I realized what was happening, I was being yanked up from my seat by my arm. “Come on Zack!” My brother groaned as he struggled to yank my full body weight up. I giggled, not chuckled or laughed, giggled, and so did Brandy, as I stumbled to my feet. “Mi chiamano bella,” I mumbled drunkenly out to Brandy as she continued to giggle out, “What?”

My brother shook his head and translated my Italian for her, “He said ‘call me lovely.’ Ora andiamo dumbass.” Matt began dragging me out of bar while both me and Brandy were laughing our asses off. For once today, I got an actual great smile. And I met an amazing girl.

I bet Casey’s causing this. God, I love her.
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SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LATE!! Read my latest journal [Thunderstorms & Green Day & My Stories] for an explaination. Thanks for Bubbleloveworld & blakkarma22 for commenting! Hey if anyone wants to make me a new banner for the story, go ahead and make one. I think the old one is boring, and no one makes me a new one, I'll make another one myself. Thanks. The next chapter will be about Brian/Amber/Andy & you'll get to meet Izzi Haner. Brandy's pic is up in the characters' section. :) COMMENT, RATE, AND SUBSCRIBE!