Status: Work In Progress


Waking Up... Somewhat

I slowly came back, and made sense of myself, a little.

The soft dirt under me indicated I was on the ground, probably in the forest. Everything started to come back to me, then. School, running, the wings... My head ached; I brought my right hand up to my head and winced when I touched it. That's when I heard the voices.

"She's waking." This voice was a high, trilling sound. It was the kind of voice that went with cute little girls, but had a different kind of essence. It was like a windchime. My ears yearned to hear more, it was beautiful.

Another voice spoke. "Oh, how lovely. We have been awaiting this day for so long now." This voice was very different in many ways. It was a low voice; but just as beautiful. It had a certain edge to it. It sounded like a girl, too.

"Kenesy?" The first voice whispered. My name sounded ten times more beautiful coming out of her mouth. It slid off her tongue effortlessly, beautifully.

I opened my eyes, and sat up.

Two alien-like creatures about the size of my hand floated before me.

I use the term 'alien' loosely. They were.. gorgeous. The first one, with the windchime voice, was a glowing, bright blue. It's eyes were shaped oddly, and they slanted upward. It didn't look out of place on this alien creature. it had tiny lips, a slightly darker blue. It's hair flowed down it's back like a waterfall. There was an impossibly tiny flower in her hair. On her feet looked like thin, tiny green vines. They replaced shoes, and tied up to right under her knees. On her body was a wrapped fabric, the same glowing blue as her skin, hair, and eyes. It was wrapped as a strapless mini-dress, but had more of an adventurer's edge to it. One of the biggest things that stood out were the beautifully shaped wings on her back, fluttering lightly as she floated before me. They looked as if they were handcrafted by a specialist. The pattern on them was lovely.

The other alien creature was similar to the first; it was a light green color, just as beautiful as the blue. It's hair was cropped short, just past it's ears. It was a darker green than the rest of it's body, and it flared out at the tips. She had a thin, dark green vine woven in her hair like a tiara. It was like the vine on the first's feet. On this one's feet were nothing; just tiny little feet. This one's dress was bright green, like it's skin and eyes. It was a large leaf, wrapped around three times. It had straps, made of vine. Again, it was very, very tiny vine.

It was easy to say that these creatures were beautiful.

I blinked vigorously, thinking I was dreaming. But they didn't disappear, like I expected them to.

"Kenesy, we have been awaiting you, dear." The first one spoke in that unique, trill of a voice.

The second spoke. "For a long, long time. Everyone will be ever so excited." I heard the soft edge to the voice.

These creatures reminded me of something I read in a book; sirens. Sirens are beautiful creatures that call for mates, usually with unbelievable singing voices.

"W-What?" That's all I could stutter out. I couldn't make sense of what these creatures were.

The first one laughed, a tinkling laugh. It was a peculiar noise; it made all the troubles in my stomach float away. I wanted it to laugh again.

"I know this must be very... Odd." She laughed.

The other one joined in. "Its not every day that you meet two fairies."
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Hey, thanks for reading guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I just got my computer fixed; it was down for awhile.
I'm sorry this is short. Don't worry, it'll take off soon!